Well it had been a fun-filled 9 days of memories and laughs, but it was time to head home. We got up early to go get one more crepe- imagine that- before leaving our European world. Well we walked all over and couldn’t find a place, so we settled for a pastry at a local store and met back up with our apt guy. We checked out with him, I gave him a European kiss- smooch, smooch, and thanked him for such a wonderful place to stay. We headed to the Metro to go to the airport. I was excited about seeing Kelson and Jason and more than ready to be in my own bed. I think Jason was ready for me to come home too by that time We went through security and DA me forgot to pack my wine in my suitcase, instead of my carry on, so of course they took it. She tried to take my chocolate candy too- as a joke. I was kind of scared for a moment. Ha-ha. So we got on our flight- which wasn’t NO WHERE near as nice as the one coming into Amsterdam (since we didn’t have my godmother to give us additional treats/snacks- and the plane was a different one, so no touch screen movies- just the ones on the overhead. Boo! So I managed to sleep some on the flight home. Keri got a pic of me snoozing. The blindfold they hand out makes it much easier to sleep. The “Negative Nelly” couple was sitting behind us, so that sucked, but Keri and I pretty much ignored them. After 9 hours, we had finally arrived in Atlanta and had to go through customs. Since the “swine flu” epidemic was going on some people were wearing masks. We made it through just fine and now it was time to wait for our flights home. I did notice, upon returning to the states, about how overweight Americans are. I don’t think I saw ONE fat European- crazy huh. Maybe we should have more sidewalks for bicycling around town and metro stations. It wasn’t that they didn’t have good food; they just have to exercise to get around. I think it’s a concept we need to consider.
My flight had been delayed- so Keri and I left around the same time out of Atlanta. We had one last snack together, gave big hugs and kisses, and I thanked her again and we were on our way home. My flight was supposed to get in around 7:15pm, but didn’t arrive till a little after 10pm. Due to weather. I was so ready to be home and my cell phone was dead. I borrowed the guy sitting next to me’s phone to let them know we were delayed in the air. I knew Jason and Kelson were waiting on me at the airport, so he went to Wal-Mart to kill some time before my flight arrival. We finally landed and my checked bagged arrived, I ran outside to see Kelson and Jason. I gave Jason a big ole hug and kiss, and then opened the door and Kelson looked up and smiled- and I immediately teared up and gave her a big ole kiss. I couldn’t believe how big she was. She said “Hi Mommy”- then pointed to show me that she was watching Wonder Pets. I was so happy to be home. Even Eers was excited. What a great time and I learned so much. The hardest part of it was getting used to the time zone back home again- I was tired for 4 days! I couldn’t wait to show them all the souvenirs I had bought, but it would have to wait till the morning. I was sooooo tired and ready for bed.
Things I learned:
Euros > dollars
International fee charges SUCK
Skype is the way to go for communicating back home
Learn the Metro system firsthand
Order the water “still” or else you get tonic water
Know the basic words of that country’s language
As long as you leave your kids in good hands, there are no worries
Always have a map of where you want to tour/sightsee
Bring good walking shoes
Americans are WAY overcautious and MUCH fatter than Europeans
Don’t put your wine in your carry on luggage
The Chi Hair Straightener doesn’t work in European outlets- it requires too much voltage
I could never live in a cube house
It is possible to be without your cell phone for 9 days
American chicks are much prettier than European ones
European food is AWESOME
A 9 hour flight isn’t nearly as bad as it seems
Always take a bike tour if you have the chance
Take lots of pictures so you can capture all the fun times and actually remember what you did (especially when you do a lot in a short amount of time)
Try new things- even if it’s not the norm for you
Give yourself plenty of time to do everything you want to do while visiting
Have a sister as great as mine who will experience something like this with you and pay for a majority of the trip :)
Thank you again to my wonderful sister. This was truly a memorable and wonderful experience that I never would have had the chance to do have you not invited me. I learned there is a whole other world out there and I would love to keep exploring the rest of the world. I’m truly blessed to be so close to my sister and share the love and friendship that we do. We had some great conversations and learned a lot about each other. I wouldn’t change a thing about our trip. Thanks again! I love you!