We had a great Memorial Weekend. I'm a little late (ya think) getting this out, but I had a busy week at work. Stacey and I met up at the gym Friday night to take the Moove and Groove class- at first we didn't like it, but then it got funner. So we will prob do that class again sometime. Plus you burn lots of calories. We talked about getting together that night to write some songs and play our guitars, so we did, but we didn't get too much accomplished, but we had a good time. Stacey wrote a song about 2 years ago that I thought was really good, so we revised it and ellaborated on it. We completed about 1/2 of the song. Da' Bob was in the cave, so he helped critique and stuff. It was funny. We ended up drinking and singing The Judds with the CD player- haha!

We had a last minute cookout on Sunday with family and friends. Jason got home around noon on Sunday. We ended up with 50+ people. It was a lot of fun! We showed the new National Treasure movie on the big screen outside. Lots of folks enjoyed that. We had some yummy food too. We played "catchphrase"- always a favorite. Overall it was a fun weekend. Poor Kelson hadn't been feeling good so she was inside most of the time and napping. It was AWFUL to see her like that. She's usually bubbly and happy, but not this day. Which was too bad cause she had lots of little friends wanting to play with her :( She got a good nights sleep and seem to feel better the next day.

Memorial Day- I bought Kelson a blowup pool from Wal-Mart, so I thought we would try it out. She LOVED it. Elliott- Louise's grandson- had a great time in it too. I got in with the kids too. It was a little bigger than our tub ;) It was fun watching her enjoying the pool- after the pool she took a 3 hour nap. We got dressed and went to see Uncle Jason and Aunt Sharee in Lacey Springs for dinner at their house. We had a really good time. It was nice getting a chance to spend some time with them and letting them play with Kelson. Plus Sharee is an AWESOME cook.

Dad and mom invited us over to eat before they took off to FL for a few weeks, so they made a yummy dinner for us. Kelson was eyeing the ribs so i let her knaw on it for a while and she was having lots of fun (and mess time) with it. Papa would lean in and act like he was gonna eat it and Kelson would laugh. It was cute. We had a great time with them before they left. We will miss em. Mom got some pics on her camera so I'm sure I'll post those later- those had more rib sauce. But I got some pics of Kelson eating papa's yummy ribs lastnight- good leftovers.
>Memorial Weekend Pics
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