Wow- time flies. My baby girl is almost 22 months old already. Where has time gone? She has done nothing but amaze me, make me smile EVERYDAY, brought Jason and I closer than ever before, and so much more. Its amazing what a child can bring to your life. She is all I ever think about and is told so many times that she is such a personality- like I was :) Everytime we go anywhere she stands out- whether she is dancing, counting, or just being cute. People always compliment on what a happy baby girl she is and how beautiful she is :) Jason and I are very proud of her. She has her moments- like any infant does, but she really has learned so much on her own. I do continue to teach her several signs a month- just to keep it going. She picks up on things SOOOOOOO easily and doesn't forget them. One night her and I were watching Dumbo and I couldn't get the dang remote to work right so I kept saying Oh Crap- a couple of times. A few nights later I asked Kelson if she wanted to watch Dumbo and so she says "Oh Crap"- hahahahaha. I laughed so hard and couldn't believe that after a few days she still remembered that. She is so advanced on her words, sentences, ability to learn in general. People are still amazed at how outgoing she is and how she seems to be the ringleader with kids- no matter how much older they are.
I am still trying to figure out whether or not to sign her up at Tumblebeez again or try something new. We did enjoy Tumblebeez, but we may get a new teacher and I just feel like the Providence "Little Gym" place we can get more learning out of. Course she isn't even 2 yet, so to me- as long as she is having fun and not getting hurt- I don't care where we go for now. We are going to a trial class at the "little gym" soon, so I will be able to tell if that's something I want to pursue. I know that its more expensive and a little further away, but if she gets more out of the class and seems to enjoy it, then I don't mind. I want to keep Kelson around other kids- she seems to do so well with sharing and playing with other kids- even though she doesn't attend a mommy's day out or daycare. Cousin Elliot comes over some, but since he is a boy and older, sometimes they don't get along so well :) But most of them time they do and she cries when he has to leave. Its sweet to see her so attached to kids. She loves to show affection- kiss and hug- and even has a very tender heart- like her papa. She doesn't like to see/hear anyone cry. She wants to give kisses and says "All better". Now I see why people have more than one child- the first born needs a playmate :) Although I KNOW there will be many fights too :) Comes with it.
Some of Kelson's fav things are to go outside, play in the pool, watch Wonder Pets, Peter Pan, and Mickey Mouse character sing alongs. She is starting to sing a little ;) Imagine that. She can count to 10 very well- although her 4 she pronounces like "forks"- its sooo cute. She is working on her numbers above 10 but she tends to get them all confused when we do that. We are working on teaching the alphabet and her colors. She has several of them down already. I've been meaning to research on where she should be at her age, but I have a feeling that she is way advanced.
Eers and her are getting along so well- she loves to feed him his doggie cookies and he lets her play with his ears, put necklaces on him, and give him kisses. He has been WONDERFUL with her. Its really sweet.
This past weekend we went to Bridgestreet for lunch with Kyle and Renee and mom and dad. While we were there we went on the carousel ride- Kelson rode the deer, tiger, and rabbit. She loved it. Then her and I rode around bridgestreet on a choo choo train ride. It was pretty hot out there so we decided to get some ice cream- she likes rainbow sprinkles and marsh mellows on hers- she is SO my daughter. Then we went to the water area- its pretty much water shooting out of the ground in several areas. The only thing is- its pretty slippery in that area- its all concrete. Since she was pretty hot- we let her enjoy herself with the other kids there and play in the water. We were trying to watch her closely and telling her NEVER to run- since it was so slippery- we took her shoes off so she could grip the ground better- her shoes were making it hard for her. She was having a ball, until she fell backwards and bumped the back of her head HARD. She looked over at us and we were in SHOCK- our mouths dropped and we ran over to her- she immediately started getting whoosey and her eyes rolled back for a few seconds- it scared us both to death. I just grabbed her and tried to get her to look at me and hold her tight. Jason and I were both tearing up and scared to death. She was crying so hard that she couldn't breathe- it was HORRIBLE. Finally she calmed down and I started back towards the water to get her to smile again- she seemed ok and wanted to play again. I ran over to Gap Kids and bought her some jelly shoes- which seemed to have a big soles on the bottom. I felt so bad for her cause she really was having a great time, but you can't let that happen again- ya know. Within a few min Jason and I were pretty much soakin wet cause we wouldn't let her in the water area alone. We knew she was getting tired, so we stopped and told her it was time to go. Of course she didn't like this one bit. We went back to the car and changed her clothes and diaper. She was soooo sleepy by this time. I knew I had heard that if someone bumps their head not to let them sleep or sleep long, so I called mom to tell her what happened- since I knew she had two other grandbabies- she had more "updated advice" for bumping your head. She said that she could sleep- as long as her pupils were ok and to check on her after an hour or so to make sure she didn't slip into a coma. It was very frightening. I knew that Kelson was tired since it was 5pm and she normally naps around 1 or 2pm. So we let her sleep some and when we got home she pretty much woke up on her own. Jason and I layed in our bed with her and let her pretty much do/eat/watch whatever she wanted. We were going to spoil our baby girl :) She seemed to be fine and was running around and I asked her some questions to make sure everything was ok inside and it was- she didn't miss a beat. She was SOOO excited about riding on the animals on the carousel and told her memere and bobba about it- it was adorable to hear her telling the stories and how excited she got. Then she also said that she fell down and was crying. She remembers everything. I'm just glad that she is ok and still had a great time. I plan on writing an e-mail to Bridgestreet suggesting they get some rubber to put down in that area so this doesn't happen again and they don't have several lawsuits on their hands.
After seeing how excited she was about the carousel- We cannot WAIT to take her to Disney in September. We are staying at the Contemporary and Animal Kingdom hotels. We are gonna have so much fun! She knows all the princesses and characters, so watching her on the rides or seeing them in person she is gonna be so entertaining. We plan to eat at two character dinings while we are there. Chef Mickey and Royal Princess Breakfast. We will take lots of pics and I will try to blog each day about the stuff we did each day. What a fun age.