Well the guys are back in the studio this weekend (going to record 3 or 4 new songs)in Nashville. We are all very excited about it. The guys are looking forward to working with James Stroud (has already produced albums for some big names). The management company aka Country Thunder label is doing a fantastic job of taking care of the boys. Their booking agent (Jerry Lee Attractions) just booked them a show in Alaska and possibly a USO tour for next year. After this weekend, all the guys get a chance to go home with their families for a few weeks and take a well-deserved break. Thank Goodness.
Last night Jason returned back from Tx and had a chance to go to the Jim Brickman Holiday concert with mom, dad, and I. We had a fabulous time! Jim Brickman always puts on a great show and is a phenomenal piano player. He was accompanied by Anne Cochran, long time friend of Jim's, and she did a wonderful job. Ritchie McDonald (former lead singer of Lonestar)- he's got one of the coolest voices EVER. He sang "I'm already there" and my heart just melted cause I thought of Jason singing that to Kelson and I. Things bring on such a new meaning when you have a child. He also had a new member to the tour- David Klinkenberg- he was a GREAT fiddle player. They jokingly asked him if he was playing a fiddle or a violin and he said it depended on the number of teeth the player had. haha! Alabama joke for ya! They all put on a wonderful show. We had the pleasure of meeting all of them (thank you Steve Maples). We got some autographs and Jim was very excited that Jason was there and congratulated him on their #1 single success. It was so neat that people knew who Jason and Heartland was. Ritchie was so ecastic that Jason was even there. He said I can't believe your here- I'm at home every chance I get. He told him that I really wanted to come and that he didn't live too far. Plus he wanted to come see him. It was really neat how inspiring Ritchie was with Jason. Ritchie told him that James Stroud was a VERY good man and they should be excited about working with him. Ritchie was one of the nicest men I've ever met. Very inspiring and you could tell that he was feeling what Jason was feeling (many years ago when Lonestar first started out). I hope to meet more stars in the future who are as positive and sweet as Ritchie McDonald. Here is a link site to our GO Magazine here in HSV that mentions the concert... http://blog.al.com/go/2007/12/brickman_holiday_show_has_righ.html. It even mentions that Jason and I were there. Pretty cool! Thank you Chris Welch for the great write up.