We've been teaching Kelson the importance of brushing her teeth, so I finally made an appt to have her teeth cleaned. She is just a few months shy of 4 years old. I asked my facebook friends for a great child-friendly dentist office and 90% of them said "Alabama Pediatric Dentist Association" so I called and made an appt. We arrived about 20 minutes before cause I heard they had an indoor playground. She loved that part. I even got a little treat since I was "expecting" :) So we let her play and then it was time to go. The hygentist was WONDERFUL with introducing Kelson to all of the supplies they use. Kelson thought the spin brush they use to clean and the spit sucker upper were funny. She laughed when they used it and like to suction her mouth on the spit sucker wand. She did wonderful and sat there the whole time with no whining or pulling away. I think she was rather interested in what all was going on. So since she was a good girl she got to go pick a toy from the toy bins. She ended up choosing a paddle and ball. Dr. Todd came and looked at Kelson's teeth and said they were beautiful and everything looked great. They even told her she had purple monkeys and skunks in her mouth :) She got to pick out a sticker on the way out for being such a great patient :)
APDA is PERFECT for children!!! I'm so glad we found this place and will continue to go there.