Today was another day of fun. Keri and I went to eat breakfast. Keri had ANOTHER waffle- after having French toast the night before for dinner- but this time I had a bratwurst- it was really big and delish, but not nearly as yummy as my husbands (haha- that sounds really bad).

One of the big touristy sites in Amsterdam was the Madam Tussaud’s Wax Museum. I had seen lots of pics of this place in magazines, so I really wanted to go get some pictures made and go on the tour. The brochure made it sound like it was historical figures only, but when we walked by and saw Jennifer Lopez in the window- I knew they would have more than that. Anyways, so we went and got in line (which wasn’t too bad) and when we first walked in there was an Obama wax figure- my sister and I giggled cause this was the only figure you had to pay to get your picture with. BTW- Europeans love American’s now that we have Obama as our president. Weird, huh? So anyways, the first part of the tour was some of the Amsterdam history- using models, etc.. then out of nowhere there was a haunted house within the tour. I was freaking scared to death. One because I knew in American they couldn’t touch you, but could they in Europe? You couldn’t tell what was real and what was a wax figure. Keri and I were first in line and we couldn’t see a thing. I screamed the whole time and tried to keep my eyes closed. There were some VERY disturbing scenes throughout the tour. The girl behind me grabbed my hand and we all walked through together. They were scaring the piss out of us. It was awful- I wasn’t prepared for a haunted house. Lol. Finally we made it through and there were several kids crying at the end – which I don’t blame them at all. Geesh- that was so scary- for real. So we finally got to the celebrity/historical figures. The coast was clear. Keri and I didn’t just want to take pics with the figures, so we made some funny faces, acted out like they were checking us out, etc... Again- things are never boring and dull with us. We had a great time getting pictures of each other..

After touring the museum we decided to do a little shopping around- ok, A LOT of shopping around. I got some souvenirs for the family and since the shops close so early, we didn’t have much time. I got Kelson lots of cool European outfits. Time went by so fast. We went back to the room to check on Keith and Skype with the kids It was time for dinner and we had a big group of us, so we went to another AWESOME restaurant- no idea of the name- but it was delicious. I had a few glasses of wine and a few rum/diet cokes with Keri, so she decided to eat a WHOLE spacecake as her dessert and then we went walking. We stopped at a little bar down the street from our hotel and hung out with the Springsource people. Their conference was over, so they could finally relax.

We had a good time mingling, having a few drinks, one of the NASTIEST shots I’ve ever had in my life (no idea what was in it, but I basically spit it back out). We were told that being Queens Day’s Eve (Bday of Amsterdam’s Queen) that it would be a big party night and we were to wear orange, so we were ready to party). Well sadly, there was some sort of car accident so they were in mourning, so there wasn’t a big party that night. I first thought it was the Amsterdamians playing a trick on the tourists to make us all wear orange and stand in the streets- haha. Pretty funny, huh? But apparently we were just in the wrong part of the town and there were parties going on, we just didn’t see them. We had a good time on our own and made a party. Well Keri, Keith, and I did. Everyone else was pretty tired from the convention. So we had a few drinks, coffeeshop stops, and then Keri, Keith, and I decided to go take some pics at the Dam Square.

Keith and I portrayed American Eagle models and Keri was our photographer- there were some hilarious shots of us. Later on that night, we were all pretty high-lifted, so we went to the bedroom and made a hilarious video (Howard the duck). Of course it was my idea- it usually is. We watched some funny shows on TV too. Keith was getting a little “excited” and tried to convince me that after 3pm you have to go downstairs to order room service (in other words: he wanted to get it on with my sister). EEEEWWWW- haha. I told him to get over it and go in the bathroom. This is hardly big enough for one person, but come on it was 3 in the morning.
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