Signs: Milk, light, fan, fish, bedtime, elephant, music, please, thank you, love you, puppy, so smart, so big, touchdown, bird, duck, more, food, water, bath, book, hi, hugs, and more to grow on :)
* She still amazes people with her signing abilities!!!! :) Proud mom and dad!
Words: dada, ming ming, linny, go, mama, memere, papa, what's that?, whose that, kitty cat, hi, down, up, cookie (said that lastnight when I was showing her cookie monster),lalala,
Sounds/noises: meow, roar, elephant trumpet noise, sheep (below is her version-its hilarious)- she got this because we were making the BAAAA face and I guess she thought this is how we looked. haha!

A few cute things about her:
She wipes her mouth when given a napkin- thank you Bobfather
We say Ready......she says GO...
Has eaten eers's dog food several times
Loves to crawl on stools, stairs, and steps- doesn't mind hights
Loves to be scared
Loves her front facing car seat and the ability to watch her DVD's while in the car
Still uses a pacifier- but only at nap or bedtime
Walks all the time
Loves to kick and throw the ball and pretty darn good at it
She copies me when I sing "lalalala"
Still only has 8 teeth
Hugs things all the time
Washed her baby doll with a washcloth lastnight in the tub- that was precious

I really love to dress her up in the CUTEST outfits/accessories! It's so fun having a real life doll :) Thanks to cousin Belle for all the ADORABLE hand me downs too!!!
Sept 08 Pics