Tuesday, May 15, 2012

All about the Alberts!!!! 6 MONTH JANSON!

Janson Cole is a whopping 18lbs 2oz this month :) I guess all that eating shows. His height went from 50% to 90%, he is at 27 1/2 inches. She said if he continues to grow at this rate he should be around 6'2. Jason was excited to hear that since 6' is seen as average these days. He still doesn't have any teeth, but Dr. Zbell said that the taller the child, the longer it takes for their teeth to come in. The same was true for Jason. Our handsome little man is doing very well and sleeping well in his bed. He's had a few up at 5am-6am moments, but is ready for bed around 8pm most nights. He has been spoiled and doesn't like to be put down unless your talking to him and likes to be the center of attention- no idea where he got that ;) He said dada... well is mumbling some dddd and bbb words- already. Time is flying. I'm still working on doing signing with him, but he hasn't done anything back yet. He's such a cutie and a great snuggler. I just can't believe how big he is getting already. He's a little fishy and loves bathtime just like his sister. Kelson has really grown attached to Janson since he is starting to play more and his personality is really showing through. When the two kids lay side by side they look so much alike. Mother's Day was this past Sunday and it was so neat to have my two babies to love on. We went to the play place to celebrate Kelson's 10 stickers on her good girl chart. It was a nice break for us to get away as a family. Kelson has been doing so good and the teacher mentioned the other day when I dropped her off at car line that she really misses when Kelson isn't at school- she has the best personality :) I had a flashback to when my mom used to tell me the same thing about my teachers :) Look out world- we got another Kelly on our hands- LOL! Kelson is going to attend Asbury again next week for Kindergarten- i can't believe my baby will be at real school- M-F 9am-1pm- we wanted to stick with that easier schedule for one more year, then well send her to Endeavor for 1st grade. i'm hoping by keeping her at Asbury that she will be a little more advanced than the other kids. She already seems to be. She's reading some with me at bedtime. I love my babies and thank God every day for them!!!!! Jason and I are doing another biggest loser competition. We are looking forward to getting healthy together for our kids. I started it up on April 30th and it will run for 12 weeks. I've started off slow, but I have a feeling I'm gonna kick it up a notch and really start losing. I'm hoping to get down to pre-Kelson weight!! :) Mom and dad have both been doing Favao supplements and doing great. Mom has lost like 25+ lbs and is wearing a size 10- this is huge for my mom!! She's always struggled with losing weight, so I know this works! Jason and I recently celebrated our 8 year anniversary. We went to eat at the Scene- sushi- and watched "The Avengers". We don't get many date nights anymore due to his playing schedule, my work, and the kiddos. It was a nice evening. Jason's botox injections aren't working nearly as fast as we thought it would. Its been almost a month and a half and he is just now able to talk clearly- his speaking voice doesn't have the breaks anymore, but its affected his singing voice. He tried to sing last weekend and was only able to sing a few songs. I'm hoping that if he does another procedure that it will work better next time, but Jason is pretty frustrated, so well see what he decides to do. Heartland's song, "The sounds a dream makes" (Jason not singing on it) is supposed to be released sometime in June, so well see what happens, but if Jason's voice continues to be the way it is, I don't see him pursuing this career path again. Also my "career" life has been all over the place. I'm still trying to get a promo within BD at Boeing. Its finally starting to get some attention and it looks like it could happen soon. I finally heard back from Disney and they apologized for not getting back to me and said that they were doing a re-org and would get back with me- that was two weeks ago, so I'm not sure what is going on with them. I also applied for a virtual staff analyst job working for corporate, it shows I'm still under consideration, so who knows!!!?? I love to have options, so well see! God will lead me to the right place for me and my family- I truely believe that!!!