Our little man has really made some progress this month. He's now sitting up on his own, has a little tooth coming in on the bottom (right side) and is still eating like a toddler :) LOL! He's been such a great baby! We fed him mashed potatoes and carrots, applesauce, and his milk lastnight and he slept longer than he has before. I left for work at 8:30 and he was still in bed (the night before he slept from 6:30pm-7am)! He's such a happy baby too. He gets lots of compliments on what a good baby he is and he's always smiling. I got some real cute videos of Janson and Kelson talking (aka coughing) at eachother. The aunts have taught him to cough on demand now- and he responds and understands. Yesterday he started popping his lips at me- it was adorable. Smart kid. We've been doing the signing, so I have a feeling he will be doing that before long. He said dada about a month ago and says it on occasion now.
We've also found out that Kelson is QUITE the hula hooper- it started out she was just trying it in her bedroom while watching cartoons then the other day she started doing it and OMG- it was amazing. She was spinning as she did it and it stayed up for a long time. I was shocked. She tried to teach us how to do it too, but we weren't able to do it- LOL! She's grown up so much and has been a WONDERFUL sister to Janson- she is so helpful and doesn't whine about having to help at all. She's made it through her good girl twice (she got to go to the Play Place for 10 stickers, then she choose Chuck E Cheese for the 2nd set of stickers). She's really doing great! Speaking of CEC- that's where she wants to have her 5th bday party this year- OMG- 5 years old- my baby is really growing up :( and fast. I'm trying to savor every moment I can.