I went for my 30th week checkup with Dr. Rushing. I've been having some braxton hicks contractions and lower pressure pain ALREADY, so I was glad it was time for my appt. Dr. Rushing re-assured me that everything was fine and that it was normal. I just told him i didn't want to risk having him early by doing too much, so he just said to take it easy. I have another appt in 2 weeks, so I'll have him check me then to make sure I'm not overdoing it. My total weight gain is 14 lbs- not too bad! :) So I'm hoping once i have Janson most of that weight will go away, especially with nursing. Anyways, his heartbeat was a strong 145 and he has been VERY active. I can't believe its already time for every two week checkups. It will be time before we know it :) Yipee!!!!
This morning after several kisses good bye before leaving for work I was walking out the door and Kelson said, "Mommy wait" so she ran over to me and kissed me and then kissed my belly and smiled" Tear Tear.. it was a very sweet moment. She is going to be such an AWESOME big sister!!!!
Speaking of Kelson, she LOVES LOVES LOVES her school. We are so excited about her being there. She seems to be learning a lot and bringing home crafts and singing songs. They even go to chapel once a week, so she is learning some cute stuff. Here's one song: A-B-C-D-E-F-G, Thank you God for feeding me ;) AAAHHHH!! I'm so happy that she is happy, plus it will be a nice break for us when Jason arrives to get some baby/parent time without Kelson getting jealous or bored :)