My goodness so much has happened in the last week or so. Well start with Miss Kelson- she is now 18 months old- she has really grown up so much. Her vocabulary has blown up- I can't even keep up with all the words she is saying now. She knows how to go around getting in trouble and making things look cute instead of getting into trouble. She has around 10 teeth. We are going to the dr's today, so I'll give you all the updates after we get back. She has to get her SHOTS :( I'm really sad about that- the last time we went it really killed me to see her in pain like that. I just have to rememeber to have a sucker ready for her after they are done. There is no easy way to deal with it, but I know its for her own good. Kelson really does have her own personality and names for everyone- Me- mama, Jason- dada, Mom- Gigi, Dad- Papa, Lucy- Memere, Bob- Ba Ba, Aline- Nin, George- George (but were working on pops), Louise- Wa Wa, Theana- Toodles, and a few others. She says kids names really well- she says Elliot really clear, Belle- her cousin, and were working on Corgan. Plus she is repeating her name back to us- well sorta ;)
We are still attending Tumblebeez once a week and still known for being the adorable little girl who wears the leggins ;) Her teacher Mrs Penny loves her and hates if we have to miss a class. Last week was V-day week so Kelson brought V-day goodie bags for all of her classmates- and it was perfect timing cause the reg lolipops they give the kids were gone, so Kelson came through- we gave the kids some candy, lolipops, heart shaped goodies, bubbles, and stickers- they LOVED it. I felt like the cool mom :) The kids were so sweet and thankful too. She almost has her forward roll now- with a little assistance. She is starting to count on her own too. Some of her fav shows right now are: The Wonder Pets, Yo Gabba Gabba, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Dora. She sings along with the theme songs. Its adorable. She LOVES LOVES LOVES the Disney Princesses- her favorite is Cinderella or as she calls her Rella. I can't wait to take her down to Disney World again towards the end of the year.... how exciting!!!
At Kelson's 18 month checkup she weighs a little over 24 lbs (50th percentile) and 31.5 inches tall (70th percentile). Dr. Zbell said that she is above average in her learning skills ;) and is PERFECT.... gotta love that.
We are meeting with one of Jason's old high school friends in April for a free photo shoot. She contacted him via myspace and said she wanted to do this for us :) I'm really excited since we get to have a proffesional take some pics for us. I have a few ideas of what I want to do. Plus this gives Jason and I another month and a half to lose some more weight. She usually doesn't charge- just takes donations for mission trips and other various things for her church- I thought this was a GREAT idea. She said that she believes her talent was given to her by God so she wants to use it giving back to him....SO SWEET!!!
We are both doing very well on our biggest loser competition- although we gained a lb or so last week- we have lost around 12 lbs/each and 2-3% body fat already. Ir's pretty exciting and so much easier when we are doing it together.
Next month, March, I'm turning "30". I still can't believe little ole me is gonna be 30 already, but to me its just a number. I don't think I'm gonna have a big party or anything this year at home- just attend a JAB show and hang with friends. I plan to lose more weight and look even hotter before this. The plans for the Europe trip are underway and I'm sooooo excited- I still can't believe I'm getting to go with my sister- and for a reasonable price ;) I can't wait! We are both very excited!
Jason recently went up to Nashville to talk to their producer, Walt Aldridge, about their next release. While he was up there he was presented with a plaque that stated "I loved her first" went GOLD (sold over 500,000 copies). What an awesome achievement!!! I'm so proud of him.