Just a few days past 18 weeks, on June 7th, we got to find out the gender of Baby Albert #2 (aka Ebeneezer). I had to work that day, so I met Jason, Kelson, and Lucy at the doctors office. We were all VERY anxious to see if we were having a girl or boy. Time seemed to take forever waiting on Dr. Rushing to come in. Finally it was time. He started looking around and said the baby was doing great and measuring right where he should be, then he said you want to know, right!? I said "yep", then he typed BOY on the screen. I immediately looked towards Jason's reaction, he was laughing and couldn't believe it. I laughed and said "I told you guys it was a boy" :)
Kelson's U/S was very obvious, but this one, not so much. I asked the doc again if he was sure and he pointed and said there's his little taliwacker- LOL. So it looks like we are having ourselves a baby boy :) Kelson has been saying for the last couple of days that she thought it was a boy too and that she wanted a baby brother :) So it worked out well for everyone. I think Kelson being around Big Sis Annabelle and little bro Corgan made her realize that little brothers aren't so bad :) Kelson is going to be a WONDERFUL and very HELPFUL big sister. She is already talking about helping us feed him, bathe him, and getting his diapers for us. I can't wait to meet our little man, but I also can't wait to see how well our baby girl does with him.
We are very happy and ready to start decorating and setting up the nursery for him. It's still a shock that we are having a boy, but I think it will sink in soon. Since I've found out I can't quit smiling and now I get to refer to him as JANSON or JANSEN- depending on which one we prefer :) We are looking at a pirate themed nursery (both pirates of the caribbean and peter pan themed). I can't wait!
As you know, we've been calling him Ebeneezer, but I don't think its going to stick. Jason is NOT a fan of that as a middle name. I could be persuaded to keep it, but If he is really against it, then we will pick something else. We do have Elias in mind, Walt Disney's middle name. So we just may already have our little boy's name: Janson/Jansen Eli Albert :) Sounds PERFECT to me!
About me:
I've been feeling good, still some bleeding, but nothing major. Having some minor cramping and pressure, but again nothing I can't handle :) I'm just happy that I haven't had to deal with the round ligament pains like I did with Kelson- those were awful!!! It's hard to believe I'm almost 1/2 way there!!! Yipee!
I've felt a few kicks and moves in the last week, but nothing consistent. Now that I can talk to him and refer to his name maybe he will react :) I've been craving a lot of juice... cereal... and fruits. I guess these are all great things. Plus I will not pass on pizza or dessert :) I haven't been eating much lately, but I'm sure that will change SOON! I have only gained 3 lbs since getting pregnant so that's awesome. I'm trying to stay down in weight so its not so hard to take it off after he's born.