For all you king of queens fans- you'll understand the CelebraSHION reference. We had a GREAT time. First of all I went shopping for the Father's Day presents on Sunday- a little late I know ;) but I wasn't feeling that great on Sat so I couldn't go then. Anyways it was nice to get some alone time and shop. I got to drive Lucy's new VW too- it was fun. Anyways, all the family came over- dad, louise, chris, elliott, adrienne, her friend Tim, Bob, Lucy, Theana, Jeannette, Rob, Jason, I, Kelson, Aline, George, Nanny, and Grand Memere. This is our usual crowd these days ;) with the exception of mom- she is in FL having a blast with her other grandbabies and helping my sister with her house stuff.

Papa, Kelson, Elliot, and I all got in the swimming pool that I bought for them (its gotten so much use already) and we had a great time in there. Kelson gave papa a WARM present in the pool- haha!

We had a delicious spread of yummy food for dinner. Grilled shrimp, scallops, and veggie kabobs, fettuccine alfredo, corn on the cob, and cakes and ice cream. It was really yummy. Kelson tried her first corn on the cob and LOVED it. She's such a big girl holding it all by herself. She had a lot of fun with it. She was each twisting it around to get a good bite- she was our entertainment. As usual. After dinner we had the Father's open their presents. Jason and I bought Rob, Chris, and George a little something- koozies, candy, and a man item - flashlight, etc.. ;) Kelson got both grandads and dad a shirt. Very cute- they loved em. Kelson got her daddy a Tinkerbell card- very cute and appropriate. Jason got a bunch of other stuff including- comedian cd, pluto walt disney dvd collection, cooking supplies, Rachel Ray cookbook, and a Movie soundtrack cd. He loved it all. Bob and Papa got some really cool stuff too from us too. Overall it was a great night. I missed not having my mom here, but you have to share ;)
Father's Day Pics