Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Milestones.... and things we want to do...
I forgot to mention in my last blog that my little Kelson did a forward roll a couple of weeks ago ALL BY HERSELF. Her and I were sitting in the livingroom and she just did it. I was amazed... I was sooo excited. No one was there to tell or scream to, so I just grabbed her and hugged her. I guess Tumblebeez is starting to pay off. She really does enjoy those classes and I'm really happy that I started the class with her. Jason has even gone a couple of times. I got a couple of pics while we were there last week. Aunt Nin and Uncle Pops, Lucy, and Theana all came to watch her. It was a lot of fun. Kelson has started walking with a little bit of attitude- I love it. She seems to be really interested in the cheerleading stunts too- she tries to do a "V" like the top people do- its so freaking cute. I was NEVER a top person, nor did I attempt that, but well see- maybe she'll be a base like her mommy was. What a sweet baby girl I have. I want to take her to the pump it up place we have in town, but still yet to make it there. Jason and I tried to take her to Chuck E Cheese last Friday night, but it was wwwwaaaaaayyyyy crowded and looked like a bunch of older kids. We may try it again on a Sunday afternoon. I also am really anxious to take her to the rainforest cafe in Nashville. She LOVES animals, so I know she would love that place. AND they sent me a $5 coupon for my bday! Awww...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Happy 30th Bday to Me!!!!

Wow, what a wonderful and memorable bday I had. Being the big "3-0" has been wonderful, so far ;) I claimed the whole weekend since daylight savings time fell on my bday and made me lose 1 hour of my bday, so I showed them. Haha. Course I think I do that every year regardless of the time change. Haha.
JAB played Friday night at Ruggby's- it was a great time with friends- even met a few new ones that night. Sat night JAB played at LeeAnn's. I wanted to show off my 15+ lbs that I lost, so I went all brave and wore this dress that has been sitting in my closet waiting on the right occasion. This occasion seemed to fit. The funniest moment of the whole weekend, was when the guys all chipped in and bought a "Carmen Electra signature professional stripper pole". This has been a running joke for years at the cave and finally we have one. I did try out the pole- and have LOTS of bruises to prove that. I have a new appreciation for those girls- that is really hard to do... Much harder than it looks. I couldn't do much, but I found out that some of my friends could- haha! I had a blast trying out my new present and hanging out with my friends all weekend. I got some really funny cards from my friends. My bday presents were awesome too. Nikki got me a gorgeous red/black corset- I admired a one that she had on once- so she got me one for my 30th. Its really pretty!!!! Stacey got me personalized initials to put on my car, a make up box (Jason referred to it as a tackle box) filled with GREAT hair products, and some Mariah Carey perfume/lotion. Sharee got me two tickets to see Sugarland and Billy Currington on the arsenal in May. How fun!
I was very excited that my friends thought of me on my bday.
On my bday I pretty much relaxed and hung out with the family. Not too bad of a hangover- thank goodness ;) I think I was more excited than anything. Jason made me a WONDERFUL meal that I had requested. Sunday is usually our "cheat" day so I went all out ;) He made Chicken Cannelloni and Chicken Parmesan- it was DELISH! My husband is a GREAT chef. My mom and dad got me a "girl scout mint choc chip" ice cream cake and lucy made me a carrot cake. There was 20+ people for dinner and presents. I felt extra special on my bday. My adorable niece sang me a happy bday song- so sweet- on my voicemail. I also got to talk to my brother for a few min too. I got many wonderful presents from everyone. Aline and George got me a set of towels that matched some other ones I won at bunco one month and a Kohl's gift card (for my new tennis shoes), Louise and Chris got me a Kohl's gift card as well. Yea. Adrienne,Tim, and Elliot got me a vanilla scented diffuser- it smells really good. Jason and Kelson got me a Wii Fit ;), Mom and dad gave me a $100 bill for my Europe trip, Theana got me some really cute and cool flip flops- they are supposed to be the new "rave" this summer. Yellowbox is the brandname- well see ;) They are cute. Lucy, Nanny, and Jason got me a HUGE wicker chest to match my rocking chair from Pier 1. I'm sooooo excited. I had a list and got everything I wanted. Thank you so much family and friends for making my 30th bday so memorable and fun!
At the end of April, Keri and I are headed to Europe for an additional party for my 30th bday.... It just never stops ;) I'm fine with that ;) haha! I'm so freaking excited. I've been working my butt off to lose weight for my bday, a photo shoot with the family in April, and this Europe trip.
The Biggest Loser Competition is going VERY WELL. Everyone is doing so good and losing weight. There is lots of motivation and several of the competitors have already dropped a size. The competition is going to end on April 19th... We had to push it back a week since the 12th is Easter Sunday. The 1st place slot has lots of potential winners, so I guess only time will tell. About 5.5 weeks to go!!!!
My little Kelson is something else. She has really changed, grown up, gotten so smart over these last couple of months. Her vocabulary is unbelievable. I get SOOOO many comments about how advanced she is for her age and how much she already knows. I think its because we CONSTANTLY work with her on colors, sounds, numbers, and Disney character names ;) She can point out all the Disney princesses and knows how to say most of their names. Its amazing. I truly believe that signing with her has pushed her communication to a new level. I'm soooo happy that I started that with her so young. She is so freaking adorable too. People are always complimenting her on how beautiful she is ;)
Recently she has started to count to 10 with me- its so cute. She loves to do it- it’s a game with her. I show them to her on the fridge (number magnets) and I start with 1, and she says 2, I say 3, she says 4, etc.. Her fav is saying "10" really loud. She loves the "hot dog" dance/song from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show. She dances/sings along with the characters. She's still a huge Wonder Pet fan and has started to sing the theme song a little bit. She knows all of the animals that they save and says the wonder pets' names each time they appear on the screen. She has a mouthful of teeth. She has started telling me poopie when she has poopie in her diaper, so I may attempt to start potty training her. She loves to look at the stars and moon at nighttime. She likes to play outside, play with bubbles, and check out the birds and horses in the backyard. She is gonna love swimming this year- she has already started practicing kicking in the bathtub. She signs/says baby anytime she sees a little baby anywhere. She loves to watch her Disney characters sing a long video- it has the real characters dancing at Disney World. She tried to mimic a lot of their dance moves. Even does the "happy feet" move- when she sees the penguins- from Mary Poppins. Lately she has been wanting to snuggle before bedtime. Normally she would have her milk and I would lay her down and she would go to sleep. She has been wanting some cuddling time- which I don't mind at all- but I have to get sleep to so I can go to work the next day. Maybe its just a phase. Well I think this about wraps things up, but I know there will be so many more memories to come. This year we have lots of things coming up- we plan on taking Kelson to go see Disneyworld, I'm going to Europe, Jason and I have our 5th wedding anniversary, going to Mexico Beach to stay with Aunt Joan, and Kelson's 2nd bday! Next year we want to try and save up to go on a Disney cruise!!!!!! :) If heard nothing but wonderful things about it! We still want to go to New York City too. So much to do- so little time to do it all.
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