DADA!!!! :0) Jason is VERY proud.
Yesterday while Kelson, Jason, and I were down at Memere's house (I was uploading new songs to my ipod, Jason was in the kitchen helping decide on dinner with Jeannette, and Kelson was in her bouncy bounce) we were all doing our thing and Kelson was doing her normal GRRRRRRAAAAA- that she likes to do. Its like a growl from a dinosaur or something. She has been doing this for the last week or so. But this time she was saying Dadaaaaaa daadddaaaaa.. we all stopped what we were doing all turned to look at her- we all started laughing and she continued doing it. It was sooo precious. I went into the livingroom and said- are you saying dada? What happened to mama? (joking with her of course) and she just smiled and growled and said daddddaaaa again. It was precious. I'm so excited that she is finally starting to use words. Although she has NO IDEA what it means, well I don't think so at least, its cute to hear her say it. I've always heard that's usually the first word to come out. So at 7 months and 1 week old- she has said her first word.
This morning as I was getting ready for work and Jason was in the shower, Kelson was entertaining herself and just finished her bottle and started saying Daddaddd again, so i grabbed my cell phone and managed to capture her. She's so smart.
The signing hasn't really picked up much, but we are constantly doing it. Maybe in a month or so she will be saying a few words and signing back to us :)
Enjoy the video...COMMENT IF YOU'D LIKE :)
Kelson's first word
Friday, March 21, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Just call us J LO...

No, not because of our big ole butts ;)hehe. My girlfriend/co-worker and I are taking online classes to become Professional Bridal Consultants (aka Wedding Planners). No its not a scheme to meet Matthew McConaughey, although I wouldn't mind meeting him, he's so freaking hot! Anyways, we have been talking about possibly one day opening our own wedding planning biz so we are both taking the class and WHEN we pass we will get a career diploma from Penn Foster. Boeing is even paying for it- what a cool place :) Saved us $800/each. I already attained my masters on Boeing's dime a few years back and in return they are giving me 100 shares of stock in Oct for doing so :) Can't lose on that deal!
Anyways, Randi and I are going strong on this! She is way ahead of me on the classes, I've slacked, but I'm trying hard to catch up. They let you do it at your own pace, so its very convenient. Penn Foster sends you the study guides to start and as you take online tests, they send you the next round of work. Randi has assisted a few brides with their weddings, free of charge, to gain experience. She really believes this is something she could pursue. She even got a call back for an interview for a wedding coordinator's assistant. She is SUPER excited and I truly believe she will get it. Its only part time so she can still work at Boeing and pursue this on the side. After we finish the class, we are going to take the test to become a member of the ABC (Association of bridal consultants). Wish us luck :) Soon we'll have to order our headsets and feed a cute toast to the best man via ear monitor!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Hitting the Scale...
Well I won't give you my starting weight- hehe- but I have lost 2 lbs so far :) Its hard to go to the gym consistently when Jason is home, but I'm gonna make myself. Its only an hour or so a day and it will pay off in the end. I want to lose a total of 35 lbs, so I have 33 left to go! hehe! Also, my pre-pregnancy buddy Stacey still has a gym membership left(way to recruite friends and get free months) :) So we are gonna start going together again- at least 3 days a week. Then I can do my additional workouts on my own. Its gonna be a lot harder to get back to where I was because of how stretched out my stomach became from being prego, but I'm gonna do my best.
Also, I'm now on Chapter 27 of Harry Potter. Almost done. Its getting SOOO good. I've slowed down cause I've passed Jason so i'm letting him catch up :)
Stacey is having a cyst removed on March 20th, so please be sure to say a little prayer for her that all goes well. It should be an easy procedure, but every little prayer helps.
Also, I'm now on Chapter 27 of Harry Potter. Almost done. Its getting SOOO good. I've slowed down cause I've passed Jason so i'm letting him catch up :)
Stacey is having a cyst removed on March 20th, so please be sure to say a little prayer for her that all goes well. It should be an easy procedure, but every little prayer helps.
Bunny time...

Well I figured since I was late getting the St. Patty's picture out, I would be early getting her Easter picture out :) Jason, Kelson, and I went to the Madison Sq Mall yesterday to get Kelson's picture made with the Easter Bunny. I wasn't sure what she was going to do, but still being so young, i figured she would do pretty well. Got her all "spring"ed up and put on a cute little dress and headed to the mall. She took a little nap on the way- which was good- so I knew she would be in a good mood. Well we got there and there wasn't a line at all- just one mother with her two kids, so we jumped in line, and prepped her for the picture. Let her stare at the Easter Bunny for a while- she was SOOO funny looking at him/her- hard to tell-hehe. I WISH we were allowed to have our camera/video camera to capture her expressions but oh well. There was a family walking by- who was OOOING and AAWWing over Kelson's dress, shoes, tights, and earrings. Two little girls were like "Mommy look". They wanted to stop and come see her- it was SO cute. Jason and I were just gleaming with pride. Kelson really is an adorable little girl. Most people refer to her as a babydoll cause of her rosey cheeks and blue eyes. Anyways, it was our turn -I was SOOO excited and I stuck her on the Easter bunny's lap and she just looked up and turned back at the camera and smiled. It was PERFECT. I looked and approved the picture and couldn't believe how quick it was. Jason and I were like "Its a wrap" :) So i purchased 4 3x5's and a CD so I could upload the picture and order an 8x10 on kodakgallery.
We went directly to the Disney Store after visiting the Easter Bunny. OF COURSE. hehe. We got Kelson a winnie the pooh easter bunny stuffed animal and a thumper pin to put in her "pin" book to remember that day. We went around to some other stores- bought myself a new phone cover- very cute, Jason traded in some old Xbox 360 games and bought a new one, we got a garlic pretzel with cheese and Kelson LOVED it, then we went to Children's Place- they were having a sale. Another place that Kelson was popular. Its so much fun buying clothes for her. Esp with the cute spring stuff thats coming out. We had made our rounds and was ready to go, so we headed back to the car and was loading up and UH OH.. I couldn't find the Easter Bunny pics ANYWHERE. I was freaking out and thought- OMG- I have to go through all the stores again to find it. I remembered having it last in the Disney Store- I showed the lady behind the counter Kelson's pic, so I went there first and there was a new shift in. I explained to the NEW lady behind the counter and OMG- it was there. I must have laid it down after I showed her the picture to pay. Thank goodness cause thats all the memory we had and I had already changed her and we paid $40 for that stuff. Thank you Lord. We went to eat at Longhorn after our visit to the mall. Kelson sat in a highchair- with my jacket and her blanket as support and played with her toys and I fed her some food and milk. She was having a great time. She got sleepy- and so did I- so we headed home- and her and I read a book and then she went night night and daddy went out to see a band for St. Pattys Day. What a wonderful day with my family!!!!
Happy Belated St. Patty's Day...

Sorry i'm late posting this, but I got busy yesterday. We had SOOO much fun with this photo shoot. Kelson was such a good model and was so happy. We got some adorable pics of her. I hope everyone had a wonderful St. Patty's Day. We ate our corned beef and cabbage Sunday night- compliments of Emeril Jason. It was DELISH. Corned beef and cabbage is one of my fav dishes. Jason went out to see "Cross Canadian Ragweed" lastnight at Crossroads with some buddies of his, but I stayed home since I had Kelson and had to work the next morning. Miss Responsible- I know :) hehe!
Visit our kodakgallery for more pics of "St Patty's Day Kelson". There are some adorable shots! That's my girl! :)
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