Kelson had her 15 month checkup and shots :( Jason wasn't going to go, but he decided to go ahead and come along. Both Kelson and Jason did very well. I held Kelson this time during the shots it was NOT fun. She had to get the flu shot too and they said that's the one that hurts the most. Luckily Jason was prepared and as soon as the shots were over he had a sucker in hand ready to give to Kelson- that seemed to ease the pain a little more- way to go daddy ;) Other than the shots Kelson did really well and was showing off her personality. She weighs 22lbs and 9 oz- which isn't much since her last appt. They actually asked if she was eating enough- its not like TOO SKINNY runs in our family ;) But I told her that she was walking like crazy and we are taking a gymnastics class together on Monday nights, so that must be it ;) hehe. Either way they said that she is perfectly fine and in the 45 percentile for weight. She is up to 31 1/2 inches in height- up to 85 percentile in that. She was only in the 70% range last appt too. What a jump. She was asking about her speaking, walking, etc.. She noticed that Kelson was already saying phrases and sometimes sentences, so she said that Kelson's development is already in the 2 yr age group. We knew that she was ahead of her peers in signing/speaking, so that made us very proud to hear just how far ahead she is. Makes a mommy and daddy very proud ;)
After her appt we went to Wal-Mart for a few hours. We bought her a bag full of suckers- she's been getting these after her gym class on Monday nights- so she was excited to get more than one in a day. We went by the toy section- big mistake- she wanted all the toys- and she was not in the mood to walk away without em. It was bad-she kept blowing kisses like the Elmo doll she wants with a tear in her eye- it was the most pitiful thing Jason and I had ever seen. After a few suckers she had forgotten about the toys ;) Also, Jason and I got ourselves the Wii for Christmas, so we wanted to go ahead and get one since they are hard to find these days. SSSSHHH-don't tell Santa.