WOW is all I can say. Everything turned out WONDERFUL!!! All of the ideas that I had came to life and her bday party was just as I'd imagined it would be. I can't say THANK YOU enough to all of you who helped in making this day special for our little girl. It really meant a lot!!! Every little detail made it that much better. We had a great turnout. We felt very blessed to have all those kids there to celebrate our baby girl's first bday!! Its so exciting to have a little girl that can go to bday partys now and one that we can plan parties for... yea!!!All the kids pretty much stayed in the pools the whole time- except to grab some grub occasionally- so i'm so happy they all enjoyed it. Kelson had a GREAT time she couldn't stop smiling and splashing.. it was adorable. We don't get much of a chance to bring all of ours kids together often, so I'm glad that we were able to do this.

We had 5 blow up pools for the kids to play in and one Dora slip n slide (the froggy slide pool was a HUGE hit and Kelson and Lola loved the Dora slip n slide- well the part that you run into- it was a good height for them to splash and not worry about drowning. Papa stayed right by their side the whole time- what a guy :) Jason called this Pool area a "Redneck Wet and Wild"- hehe. We had beach balls and other water toys for the kids to play with. We had coloring books set up for those who didn't want to swim or was tired from swimming. We had ring pops and little blow toys for the kids to pick up where Kelson's presents were.

Now the Wonder Pets details: Wonder Pet iron ons on the tablecloths, WP pics on the walls, WP ty babies in their cages (with celery and Kelson's invitation), WP banner celebrating Kelson's bday (we included pics of Kelson over the last year), WP goodie bags (with fun treats inside)WP cupcakes, and a WP cake (Thank you Memere- it turned out GREAT). We gave a CD of all of Kelson's fav songs on it to the kids- this was a huge hit! Its very unique and something they can cherish and will remind them of her first bday party :)

We had a NACHO bar - which was a GREAT idea- thank you me ;) - all the kids loved it and so did the adults. Kelson played for an hour or so and then I went and changed her into her ADORABLE bday princess outfit.
She had a great time opening her presents- she got some great things- thank you everyone for your thoughtful presents. She kept wondering why we would show them to her then put them away- she didn't like that concept, but then we had her something new, she she caught on ;)

Then it was time for cake..

We all sang happy bday to her and then some of the girls helped her blow out the candles. Lucy made her her own little cake to devour. She was a little hesitant at first to dig into the cake, but I stuck her fingers in and the rest is history. She seemed to have a WONDERFUL time.
I think she really enjoyed sharing the cake with everyone- as you will tell from the pics. Lola (Stacey's little girl) and her really had a great time bonding at the party- hehe.

Thank you again to everyone for a wonderful and memorable day for our baby girl!! It turned out better than we hoped for. (in the picture Kelson is showing everyone how old she is now). What a beautiful and smart one year old :)
Kelson's Bday Party Pics