Lately when I'm changing my bandaids on my scrapped up leg-Thank you Softball- Well Kelson looks at it and says Uh Oh. It's really cute. I've been trying to get her to hold her finger to her mouth and point outwards (kinda like the ET movie)- and say "OUCH".. haha! Well see if she catches on, but I'm gonna guess YES ;)
The other night Kelson and I were in the tub and I was showing her how to blow bubbles and I would bring my head up and smile and she would laugh and push my head back down into the water. I was cracking up. She is so smart. So after I let out most of the water I let her lay in the tub and work on her bubble blowing- she did rather well. I think she will be swimming on her own in no time.
She has learned 3 more signs this past week and a half. I'm gonna write a summary on Kelson on her 1st bday blog. What a girl. All of our friends are VERY impressed with her signing. Most of them already have kids and didn't use this system, but wish they did. I think its GREAT and I love communicating with Kelson. Soon she'll be talking away, but for now- this makes her unique.
Charles- fiddle player in the band- was over the other day (the guys were getting ready to head to Nashville) and we were showing Kelson off (signing) and he said My Gosh you are so smart.. .and of course she did the sign for SO SMART- and we all just couldn't help but laugh... :) Makes a mommy and daddy proud.
Also, Jason and I went to get new phones at Verizon a few days ago and while we were waiting on the lady to transfer our numbers and stuff I had Kelson doing all her signing tricks and the people around us were amazed and one guy even said you oughta charge people to come see her :) How cute.
Nanny's bday was the other day and she was getting ready to blow out her bday candles, so since our little one has one coming up, I wanted to see if she could blow/spit/roll her lips to get the candle to blow out. We've been working on it, so well see if she can get it done on her bday :) She didn't master it yet, but we are working on it. I would love for her to do something funny and catch it on film and win $10K on America's Funniest Videos :)
Thank you Aunt Keri for the "birthday countdown candle"- if you guys have kids this is something awesome to have- its a birthday candle that you burn down each year your child turns another year older. My sister, brother, and I all had one of these growing up. Its a neat keepsake- if it doesn't melt in the attic ;) hehe. Even if your kids are 3 already you can still burn it to that point and start a new tradition for your family. Another KOLUMBUS tradition is the Happy Bday Mickey Mouse song version . I plan on playing it at Kelson's bday....
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Kelson's Bday Presents...

Many of you have e-mailed me to ask "What does Kelson want/need for her bday" :) So I'm gonna go ahead and post some of the things on here. She's really into The Wonder Pets, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, loves lions- likes to roar at them :), books, and more
We already have:
Wonder Pets Save the Beetles DVD
Wonder Pets Nursery Rhymes DVD
Nick Jr Sleepy Time DVD
Ty Wonder Pets
Mickey Mouse stuffed animal
Pluto stuffed animal
Link a do's
Stack cups
She needs:
Any clothes :) 18 months please
Hair bows- haha- not really, but I love em so more is fine with me
Babies R Us gift card towards her FORWARD-FACING car seat
Any new DVDs with the wonder pets- I think they have WP save the Reindeer, but I haven't seen it in stores
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse dvds
Any toys- 12mo+
Bath toys- she LOVES bathtime
Johnson's body wash- any kind (big bottle)
Disney princesses- she slowly getting into this
Cute sippy cups 12mo+
Cute plates/bowls
The Wonder Pets 18inch plush at Toys R Us- but check with Lucy or Linda if you wanna buy these- they may be getting them!!??
Keri- she LOVES that princess lego set thing you got for her- she plays with that a lot
Bathing suit for next summer- 24 months
I guess that's about it ;) I wasn't sure if I was gonna be able to think of anything. Hehe! I still can't believe she's gonna be 1 next week... holy cow!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
As the World Turns...
So much is going on right now... Jason just left this morning (won't return till the day of Kelson's 1st bday party) :( August 17th. Heartland's recording another song this morning before heading on the road. They have three live shows this weekend, then Jason, Keith, Mike, and Charles are all doing some radio stuff next week. So let's hope we can get things rolling again. The guys haven't given up! The next few months should be pretty cruical as to whether or not the guys are going to continue down this road, so let's give them our support and request songs, etc..
Just wanted to say Happy Bday to Nikki- I'm not sure how old she is, so well just say 21 again ;) !!! Happy Birthday Honey- hope you have a great day!
My sister's friend, Nikki, not the same Nikki as above ;) has decided to do a Biggest Loser Competition, but the money stakes are higher- $50/pp. So I guess I'm going to compete in that one and either not have one here or starts ours later on. Her competition is 8 weeks long- the only thing I'm unsure about is she is having men compete too and I don't think that's a fair advantage since they have higher metabolisms and they can lose 5lbs in 2 days! :( So I'm still checking to see if they are going to keep it co-ed! But I wouldn't mind losing 15-20 more lbs and get back to Pre-Kelson weight! It could happen :)
Kelson is gonna be 1 in a week- I still can't believe it! She is such a sweet mess. I can't wait to turn her around and actually get to use the DVD player in our Santa Fe :) Time sure has flown! We've already started planning the WONDER PETS bday party and the invitations have been sent ;) I can't wait!!!!
Just wanted to say Happy Bday to Nikki- I'm not sure how old she is, so well just say 21 again ;) !!! Happy Birthday Honey- hope you have a great day!
My sister's friend, Nikki, not the same Nikki as above ;) has decided to do a Biggest Loser Competition, but the money stakes are higher- $50/pp. So I guess I'm going to compete in that one and either not have one here or starts ours later on. Her competition is 8 weeks long- the only thing I'm unsure about is she is having men compete too and I don't think that's a fair advantage since they have higher metabolisms and they can lose 5lbs in 2 days! :( So I'm still checking to see if they are going to keep it co-ed! But I wouldn't mind losing 15-20 more lbs and get back to Pre-Kelson weight! It could happen :)
Kelson is gonna be 1 in a week- I still can't believe it! She is such a sweet mess. I can't wait to turn her around and actually get to use the DVD player in our Santa Fe :) Time sure has flown! We've already started planning the WONDER PETS bday party and the invitations have been sent ;) I can't wait!!!!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Why can't money grow on trees???
We have been asked/invited to do SO many wonderful things in the next year and we just can't afford to do it all :( Ex's: Chris Hipp's bday in Sept in Vegas, Staying at the Christmas Inn in G'burg with the Mathis family in October, NY during Christmas time, Europe cruise next year for my 30th bday, Disney cruise in 2010, etc.. There is SO much we want to do, but know that we cannot afford to do it. I wish each tax paying person was given a LARGE amount of money- like $10K- to do whatever they wished with it- whether it be go on a trip, pay off bills, donate to charity, or whatever else one would want to do with it. I believe that this would help boost our self-confidence and self-esteem as a country.
I know they sent out stimulus checks (WHICH WE STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN!!) I'm sooo upset about that. We really could use that money right now, and the gov is taking their sweet time sending ours out and I can't find a status online. I guess I'm gonna have to call to see what happened to ours. Each day I hope to open up that check! We should have recieved ours back in May. SS's 01 and 04. When they want their money they get to charge fees and give you a bad credit report, but when we are ready for our money from them- we just have to be patient :( Poopie!!! Anyways, I'm done venting now. hehe. I just wish we could win the lottery (cliche) so we could do whatever we wanted- now that would be the life :) Don't worry I would share the wealth ;) Whats more fun that having friends/family to celebrate it with!!!
I know they sent out stimulus checks (WHICH WE STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN!!) I'm sooo upset about that. We really could use that money right now, and the gov is taking their sweet time sending ours out and I can't find a status online. I guess I'm gonna have to call to see what happened to ours. Each day I hope to open up that check! We should have recieved ours back in May. SS's 01 and 04. When they want their money they get to charge fees and give you a bad credit report, but when we are ready for our money from them- we just have to be patient :( Poopie!!! Anyways, I'm done venting now. hehe. I just wish we could win the lottery (cliche) so we could do whatever we wanted- now that would be the life :) Don't worry I would share the wealth ;) Whats more fun that having friends/family to celebrate it with!!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
I still got it!!!!
I went and played a game of co-ed softball yesterday with the people from Crestwood. They needed an extra girl and asked me if I could do it. Of course it being 95 degrees and a while since I had played I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it. Luckily I was in OK shape to play, but I knew it would still be odd since it had been a while. Well we lost- haha, but I was 4 for 4, did a face dive back to second to avoid being tagged out, caught an outfield fly, and slide into 3rd. So needless to say... I still got it!!! After all that non-stop running and going back and forth- now I remember why I was in such good shape in high school and college :) It was a lot of fun- I'm glad that I got the chance to play.
ALTHOUGH... my leg is pretty scrapped up from sliding... no cute dresses or skirts for a while :) I'm remembering how bad those hurt too! hehe.
ALTHOUGH... my leg is pretty scrapped up from sliding... no cute dresses or skirts for a while :) I'm remembering how bad those hurt too! hehe.
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