Weight- 15lbs 14oz (50th percentile)
Height- 26 3/4 inches (89th percentile)
Got all her shots- she was a good girl!
Doctor Zbell said Kelson is doing GREAT. Said that she can start on the Stage 2 meats. I'm really excited about her having "grown up" food. She is such a good eater and loves anything I feed her. She had chicken noodle lastnight. It smelled EXACTLY like it, but the taste was so bland, like most baby food. She said that she should start clapping, reaching for more stuff, and saying da da da da. I said what about Ma ma ma- she said sorry- that's usually not till 12+ months or so :( How is that possible. I guess I need to start signing mom and dad with Kelson too. Kelson still hasn't grasped the signing yet, except for "more" she still uses that occasionally. I'm trying to show her that you can use the "more" sign for more than food. Like playing with her or bouncing with her, etc.. She gets really excited when I put her close to a light and sign "light". I think she's catching on, but being so young I know it will take a while. She is sooo much fun and I find myself rushing home just to give her a big ole hug and kiss. Dr. Zbell said the 9 month mark is when she will really start to show her personality and be able to eat some pancakes at the Cracker Barrell with us and maybe saying a word or two. I'm so excited to see what the next few months have in store.
Jason's back on the road for a few days, so Kelson and I plan on having a girl weekend. Gonna touch up her toenails- and mine- and maybe go shop a little bit. Grammy bought us a workout video for baby and mom, so we may try that out. I HATE that Jason is gone when I'm off work, but I guess that's the way the "road" works.