Well Janson is now 14 months old- he says a few words- da da, uh oh, and dat dat- like What's that. He also can sign light and fan (his two favorite ones), music, puppy, so smart, fish, milk, more, please, thank you, all done, bath, bye bye, and blows kisses. He's so into EVERYTHING. He walks into a room and it totally becomes a disaster area. LOL He loves to be held and show you things. He doesn't snuggle much anymore :( and I barely get kisses either- bummer, but hopefully he will go back to being a snuggly bunny. He pretty much goes to sleep around 7:30pm and wakes up around 8am- sometimes he'll wake up in the middle of the night to play or have a bottle, but otherwise he does rather well. He had a few teeth breaking through a few weeks ago so he was up every couple of hours and was running a fever. The flu has been running around for a few months, but luckily I never got it and tried to keep the kids as healthy as I could. With Kelson attending Kindergarten its hard to keep germs away. She is doing really well in school and seems to love it. Next year we start 1st grade public school at Endeavor. I'm really nervous to put her into the public school system but I know that she will be fine and safe. Plus its only a few minutes away from our house. Jason is still staying at home with the kids and does an awesome job. He does seem ready for a break when I get home from work- LOL! I don't blame him though- Janson is a handful and its hard to get much done when he's awake. Lucy says that he is exactly the same way that Brady was- nice! But he's a sweet little man and I just pray that all this work now will be easier when he's older. He's such a cutie pie little man!

Kelson is doing great- she has quite the imagination. She can play by herself for hours and has the best stories to tell. She loves to sing and knows quite a variety of artists- thanks to her daddy. Her and Jason have been watching "Face Off" - its a reality show where artists/sculptors compete to creat different monsters/characters for a panel of judges. She and I did our own version in the bathtub with body paint and she had a blast telling me the inspiration behind her painting- it was so cute! She's so grown up for her age. She is attending dance at Southern Sensations dance studio- she has been there since August- she seems to like it- she is taking ballet and tap. Her first recital will be in May. She still attends the little gym and I just moved her up to the advanced gymnastics class this semester so I'll be anxious to see if she improves over the next few months. I also signed her up for softball starting in the spring- I'm so excited and so is she. We're thinking of signing her up for piano/vocal in the summer after gymnastics and dance are done. I think she will LOVE that! She already has a natural singing voice and has so much expression in her voice. Natural talent! People ALWAYS compliment on how beautiful Kelson is- makes me sooo proud- she really is a gorgeous little girl.
Jason is a stay at home daddy who plays music pretty much when he wants to know- JAB is no longer- so he just plays with Chopper occasionally. I like to be able to hang out with him on the weekends instead of him playing all the time. Heartland is pretty much over, so that chapter in our life is closed- it was a good run, but honestly with two kids and me working full time and working to get promotions it would have been VERY challenging for him to go back on tour.
So me- last July I finally got promoted into the BD Marketing and Sales arena, instead of just a staff analsyst- so with that I got a little raise. I'm hoping to move up to a P4 within the next 6 months if all the start align right :) I just celebrated my 10 year anniversary with Boeing on Jan 20th- wow 10 years. I feel blessed to have such a great job. I'm hoping to gain a lot of experience in this job and then maybe in 5 years or so move to Orlando and work for Disney in their Marketing/BD arena. Never know.
Well that about wraps it all up- everyone is doing GREAT- our little family couldnt' be happier. Oh and I'm working HARD to get us debt free by Dec 2014 (except the house)!!! BUT.. .we are planning a trip to Disneyworld to see the new fantasyland for my bday and Jason's 40th! We're looking forward to it.
*Kyle and Renee are expecting a baby around the end of July- early August! Pretty exciting!!!! I've been getting baby fever- only because I'm not sure if I want ONE more or just to be happy with our boy and girl!? I guess only time will tell.
Oh- and eers is 14 years old- he is hanging in there- God love em! He can't hear anymore and has cataracts in one eye, but still loves to hang out, run a little, and eat. He's the cave dog.