In Alabama you never know what the weather is going to be like... I woke up Sat morning (my bday) to snow on the ground. It was AWESOME. Then.. I got a happy bday phone call from my niece singing to me. It was so sweet. Keri had sent me a present a few days back and wanted me to open it with her on the phone. I got a wallet that I wanted (that she accidently told me she was going to get by including me on the e-mail) :) and a gift card to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I LOVE that place. There was another package to open. I initially wasn't sure what it was (looked like a little notebook) and then I opened it and there was a letter that stated- READ ME- so I started reading it- With Keri on the phone- and it said that she was starting to save up money for this year to take me to EUROPE for my 30th bday next year!! I started crying- I couldn't believe it- I've always wanted to go there. The note was in a passport holder. What an awesome treat and I don't mind turning 30 AT ALL now :) What an awesome sister I have. Course I have lots of people that want to join in the fun. Thank you sis.
About that time- Kelson woke up so I let Keri go and went to get Kelson. She was in her "happy morning" mood, so I knew it was a good time to go take pics. I left her PJ's on and just added a few layers and grabbed her raincoat- only coat I had that was thick enough. So we went outside and I took a few pics of the yard, eers, and Kelson. As i was walking out, Lucy and Theana, were coming out with the dogs, so they assisted me. I got a few shots of Kelson sitting on the cave dock in the snow. Lucy mentioned she had a winter coat, so she grabbed it and we got a few more shots. Kelson didn't have much of an expression- she was cold- haha! A few times she reminded me of the little boy from A Christmas Story movie. "I can't put my arms down"- hehe! She was a great sport. We were heading inside to Memere's house to warm up and drink some hot chocolate and BAM... eers ran off- got off his chain somehow. So I passed Kelson to Theana and started running after eers. He DID NOT want to come back - he just kept going and going. So I was freezing since I just had a little jacket on. I finally caught up to him and had to take off my jacket and tie it around his collar like a leash, so by this time I was really cold. There was NO WAY i was carrying a 60lb dog all the way back home. Luckily lucy brought the car and picked us up. WHEW- what a morning. All this happened before 9am! :)

So anyways, I went and worked out and got a well needed pedicure. It was a nice and relaxing day. I got home and Jason had just arrived from being on the road, so that was nice to have him here for my bday too. We pretty much laid around and played with Kelson. Went to eat at Red Lobster, then went to Hog Wild 2 to meet up with friends. We had a great time, went back to the cave, and ended staying up till 8:30AM! The sun was shining so bright and we all couldn't believe it. The night had FLOWN by. We were playing games, dancing, singing, listening to music, etc. It was a lot of fun. Jason and I went to bed and woke up around 1:00pm- Lucy had errands to run and brought Kelson to us, luckily, she was tired, so I laid her down for a nap, and she slept another 2 hours- and so did we :) Got up around 4 and took a shower and got dressed to go eat dinner at Lucy's house. They made lasagna- it was very good. Mom and dad came over and we had dinner, opened presents, and ate ice cream cake & played the Disney bday song. I got some really cool things for my bday. Thank you EVERYONE for making my bday a special one!
BIG 30 next year- BRING IT ON!!!! :)
Snowy MorningBday Night/Cave