Kelson is REALLY into Rapunzel this year, so we went with this theme. I found the invitation on Etsy. Normally I try to come up with something unique for her bday invitations and Keri will make them for me, but since she was busy this year I looked online. It turned out perfect and we got lots of compliments on them :) I even had a personalized Rapunzel shirt made for Kelson to wear to the party. Adrienne, Elliot's mom, made her cake and it was AWESOME.

This year we hosted the party at Kelson's gymnastics place "The Little Gym". They did everything, as far as setting up, decorating, assisting with the kids, presents, serving the guests, and cleaning up. It was the PERFECT thing for this year. 1) because its sooo stinkin hot outside so the outdoor party wasn't going to happen 2) No set up/clean up for us to do 3) being 7 months pregnant indoors was the best idea. The kids all loved the gym and did so well together. It was the perfect party!
We gave out paint by number books with sunburst candy to the kids to represent the Rapuzel movie. Kelson loved having her "kids" there to celebrate.

Jason's band played at the Little Gym's outdoor event in July, so we were given the bday party for free. Normally for members its $190, so that was a GREAT deal for us.

Kelson's big presents this year was an ITOUCH (4G)- pretty much her own iphone w/out the phone capabilities. She is able to download games, movies, music, cartoons, etc.. she loves it! The whole family pitched in to buy that for her. I figured instead of more "toys" that she doesn't need why not all pitch in and get her something she will use for years and years.
Bobba and Lucy fixed up a hand me down Jeep from Aunt Mariette for Kelson. She LOVED that too! A very cool birthday for a very cool girl!

Since Kelson and I were down in FL a week or so back we celebrated her bday with the FL family too. We went to Chuck E Cheese and the kids had a blast playing together. The combined party was a huge hit. We were celebrating Keri, Kelson, Papa, and Corgan's bday! It was lots of fun for everyone. She got lots of neat presents there too. Such a blessed little girl.