Tink Tink being one of Kelson's first words doesn't surprise me- esp because of her big Disney fan parents :) We are sooooooo excited about going back down to see Mickey and all his friends again. Not sure when- but hopefully soon.
Kelson's been giving BIG hugs lately- she loves to hug her dolls and whatever else she thinks needs hugging- her flashcards, her plate, etc.. ;) So lately she's been giving us BIG hugs- and that is one of the sweetest feelings in the world :)
At 12 & 1/2 months old
Kelson's signs: fan, light, milk, nighttime, bathtime, please, thank you, help, fish, puppy, holds up a "1" for how old she is, touchdown, food, water, so smart, waves hi/bye, blows kisses, and love you.
Working on: elephant and tree
*I plan to capture all of these on video and post them on here. Just gotta play around with it!
Kelson's words: dada, mama, uh oh, duck, ming ming, linny, what's that, and tink tink