What a fun year we've had. So many wonderful memories! I knew Christmas was going to be such a fun time this year with Kelson being a little older. We tried not to go overboard with buying her TOO much stuff and for the most part i think we did rather well. I was off work from Dec 24th-Jan 1st- it was wonderful! Got lots of time with the family and friends. I would love to try and go somewhere really cool one year during our Boeing christmas break, but we have yet to make that happen. Maybe New York in 2009. Well see. My parents are moving to "The Villages" in the fall of 09. Still can't believe it, but its gonna be such a GREAT thing for them. They deserve to do what they want. I'll surely miss not having them here, but FL isn't too far away and they are really close to Disney/Orlando. Knowing our family, we will be there at least once or twice a year. I'm really happy for them!
With having so much time off we got to attend so many different parties. It was a lot of fun- but wears you out. Kelson and I went to Aunt Natasha's for Christmas at her house one day and GOODNESS- she spoiled her as if she was Mrs. Claus. She got Kelson so many wonderful things. Tinkerbell luggage, Precious moments tinkerbell figurine, Dr. Suess books, a cute outfit from her sweet mother, and the big thing was a DISNEY bradford exchange tree that had all the characters around it. It was unbelieveable. I'd seen it in the magazine, but it was really expensive, so I can't believe she got it. It was actually a gift for Kelson AND Jason :) I wish i had a picture of it, but I think Aunt Natasha does. I'll post it when she send them to me. We were pretty wrapped up in opening presents to capture too many pictures. She got me some great stuff too. What a girl!!!
Well, Christmas Eve morning we were pretty lazy- getting all the presents down to Lucy's house- and Theana guessed the number under the tree (although she kinda had an estimate in her head since she helped count them) ;) but it was 184 presents. That was with some of the additional family members being there too. Brady got a chance to come down for a visit from Minnesota. We've REALLY enjoyed him being here. Kelson really has warmed up to her Uncle Brad. He's great with her. We had a WONDERFUL Christmas Eve meal- thank you to Lucy and her sisters- then it was present opening time. Kelson enjoyed stacking all the presents up on top of eachother- as much as opening them all :) Like most kids do. She got some great things for Christmas from the Alberts' and their families- clothes, pillow for her crib- with adorable pillow cases, toys, ming ming doll, Flying tinkerbell (huge hit), books, puzzles, ($5 hooker dolls- haha- some dolls I grabbed for Kelson from the $ store at the last minute- they were just cute offbrand disney dolls- but Bob called em hooker dolls cause they were cheap looking) haha, beautiful disney globe, I'm a little teapot doll, tea set, furry vest, pj's, and so much more. Nanny, Grand Memere, Aline and George, Louise, Chris, and Elliot all got to join in for the Christmas Eve dinner and present fun.
Jason and I must have been very good to cause we got lots of presents too from the Albert family :) I got my Chi hair straightener :) That's been on my list for a few years, a Wii system with games, Vera bradley pj's, clothes, wv outfit, partini game, floor/carpet vaccum, dvd's,
Jason too was a very good boy- he got LOTS of Blue Ray movies, a blue ray player, WV attire, Wii games,Xbox game, good set of knives, kick butt pillows, lounge pants, Capt Morgan sign for the cave, and much more. We stayed up till 1:30AM- Kelson did too- and wasn't fussy at all- we still had some presents to open, so we home and put Kelson to bed. Jason and I got the Santa presents ready- well some of them cause he had to bring the rest- and we put out the cookies and milk for him, then went off to bed.

Christmas morning around 8:30ish we had to go wake up Kelson. She opened up her presents from Santa- Santa got her quite a few things too- Elmo live doll- which she loves, Disney throw- loves it, books, Snow White doll (for later), bicycle (for later on this year), outfits, pj's, bath toys, christmas tigger toy, and a few other things. Let's just say she was a VERY good girl this year!!! Next it was time to go to Papa and Grammy's house. The Donald family got there Christmas Eve night, so they were already there. I was very excited about having all of us together. The kids got along so good and had lots of fun opening presents together. Belle just enjoyed OPENING the presents- she didn't care what was inside- lol. Kelson got some more great stuff from my family- V-tech learning system, a kitchen, dvd's, books, clothes, toys, bath toys, little people amusement park toy from Uncle Kyle, and so much more. Again- Jason and I got some GREAT stuff. I got some pj's, dvd's, money towards my 30th bday Europe trip with my sister, and Jason got Dvd's, games, clothes, redneck windchime for the cave, Wolfgang puck knives, and more. I can't even remember everything we got, but I know we were VERY happy and felt very blessed. We stayed there until 1:30pm or so and went back to Lucy's to finish opening those presents and our Christmas socks from Nanny- she always has the BEST things in there! We all took a short nap then headed back to Grammy and Papa's for a delicious Christmas meal. Kyle got to join us - he had to travel from Mobile, so it was great to have the whole family together. Keri got lots of pics from Christmas day so I hope to see those soon.
Overall is was a WONDERFUL and MEMORABLE Christmas. I can't wait to experience all the fun/joy that we will have for the years to come. Thank you so much to everyone for being apart of our lives. We love you all! Happy New Year!!! Christmas Eve Pics
Christmas Morning