Again- i'm sucking at getting these out on time, but at least I do ;) We had around 40+ for Thanksgiving dinner this year. Things were def more organized this year so we had a chance to do our "what we are thankful for circle". Its always nice to hear updates on family and what everyone had happen to them for that year. There were some funny moments, sad moments, and exciting moments. Congrats to Derrick and Liz on their news of being parents. Since they stayed at our house, Jason and I passed on a few words of advice being new parents. It was exciting to be there to hear the news in person.Claire and Uncle Paul will make WONDERFUL grandparents as well, I know they are all excited. Rebecca will be a fashion queen awesome aunt. We are very excited for them and know they will make wonderful parents. We had a bet this year on how long the "thank you" circle would take and my dad and Kelson won the pot. We gave the money- $40 to Derrick and Liz to go towards the baby :) Sweet aren't we ;) LOL. After that was all said and done we took some family portraits. We had dinner around 6- it was DELICIOUS!!! My brother and his fiance Renee joined us for Thanksgiving- it was great to see them- it had been way to long. They had assigned seats for everyone- with adorable cookies that Jeannette and her grandkids had made for everyone- cute touch to the holiday dinner. Kyle and Renee sat with Jason and I so we got some time to catch up. Kelson had an early dinner so she played while we all ate- what a girl ;)
My sister and her family weren't but an hour or so away from us- hanging with Keith's family in T-town- so we made a trip to go eat at Dreamland and hang out few an hour or so. It was way to quick, but it had been too long. I can't wait till they come at Christmas time- Corgan and Kelson are def at a fun age that they can play together at Grammy's house this year :)
Now that Kelson is a little older and running around she was able to have fun and play with her cousins much better than last year. Its so neat to see your child having fun with other kids. Brings a smile to your face.
Sadly, a lot of the kids were sick so eventually Kelson got sick too :( But we took her to the dr and got her some medicine for her ear infection and she is pretty much back to her fun and entertaining self.
Thank you to everyone who came this year and all your help in getting all this prepared. It was another great Thanksgiving at the Albert acres and we hope to keep the tradition going....
PS- Next year we plan to hire help to come do the dishes after Thanksgiving dinner- that part takes FOREVER- even with all the cousins in the kitchen in shifts ;)
Thanksgiving 2008 Pictures