Janson was doing great and got some tests ran, I was taking a few pain meds to help with this recovery. While I was there my ear infection returned, so I had to get on some antibotics to kick that too. They thought that Janson's arm needed to be X-rayed cause he wasn't lifting it as high as the other one when they startled him, but everything turned out to be fine. Passed his hearing tests too. That day was pretty much just visitors and re-cooperating day. Janson was supposed to of had a bowel movement in 24 hours and since he didn't they stimulated him and boo ya, it worked. Ever since then he's been a pooping machine. While we were at the hospital, they had a "celebration" dinner for the mom and dad, so Jason and I ordered crusted tilapia with a few sides, dessert, and my favorite, sparkling white grape juice! :) Jason had never had it and it was a big hit at our Thanksgiving family dinners. It was yummy.
Janson had dropped down to 7lbs 14oz, so I was trying to feed him more often at night and throughout the day. The last day they cirumcised him :(, quick procedure adn they said he did good. Its a small plastic ring that they place around his pp and it pretty much heals on its own. So low maintenance. I felt bad for him, but its something that needed to be done. We were anxious to get home and away from the "checkups", pills, and etc. Plus we were ready to get in our own bed and try out Janson's new stuff. Kelson and Papa made us a welcome home sign. It was a great ride home. We were very excited!!!

We had to go take Janson to the pediatrician the next day to check his jaundice level and weight. He was a little jaundice so they told us to put him by the window and also they wanted to re-check his weight on Monday. So after a GREAT weekend and lots of eating, pooping, sunbathing, and sleeping, Janson had gained 8oz over the weekend and skin color was great :) Course I think anyone can gain weight over a weekend- LOL. So we were happy to know that we were done with the doctors for now. Gigi and Papa have been here since Oct 25th helping with things around the house, watching Kelson, playing with Kelson, and now helping with Janson. They have been a wonderful help. Kyle and Renee came over this past weekend too to visit and see Janson. Its been a wonderful experience so far and we are so excited to have our little family altogether.

Kelson has been a WONDERFUL help and great big sister. She loves to hold him, kiss on him, and talk about how cute he is. We brought him to her school on Friday so she could show him off, before his appt. Then we all went to Wal-Mart, all was great until it was time for lunch, we spent a little too much time in Wal-mart, but being our first family outing it went great.
I love being on maternity leave and getting family time. I plan to be on leave till Dec 12th, then take a few days vacation, with a few days virtal then it will go straight into my Boeing Christmas holiday. So I will have like 8-9 weeks off. It's gonna be really hard to go back.
My recovery has been GREAT. Only some contractions when Janson is nursing, milk came in great, and he's been sleeping about 2-3 hours during the night. Sometimes 3-4hrs. My bleeding is minimal now and I haven't had much pain. So I truely believe that Dr. Wheeler did a great job on taking care of me. Life is awesome!!!!!
When I checked into the hospital I weighed 215 lbs, so I weighed myself a week later after having Janson and I'm down to 195 :) So I lost 20 lbs in a week. Not bad! Plus I have two new enhancements- LOL!