Well, this 2nd baby is really weighing on me (pun intended)!! I'm exhausted most of the time and already feel the baby bump. Good to know that most 2nd time mothers go through this exact same thing. I actually feel better if I get up early and start my day than i do if I sleep in till 9 or whatever. But I know I'm supposed to rest as much as I can, so I do.
I'm almost 11 weeks on Friday, so I'm really excited about getting closer to my 2nd trimester and getting some energy back. I feel it slowly coming back each week. My next appt is on April 26th- we hope to get to hear the baby's heartbeat :) That was such a neat experience with Kelson.
My food cravings have been all over the map- I want sweet one minute (mostly PB&J sandwhiches) then spaghetti the next. It changes from hour to hour. So its really hard to say if I'm having a girl or boy based on the cravings. My chinese chart said Boy, but we shall see, I think Boy too!
Lately, I've been feeling something in my tummy- I recognize the difference in gas and a baby (since I've been pregnant before) and I KNOW that what I'm feeling is not gas. It seems to happen when I'm leaning down or stretching to do something. Last night I was laying in bed with Kelson and got up and WHAM it hit me- like a kick, but I know the baby is too small for kicking so I think it may be the sac moving around in my tummy!? Just my thought. So I went online to research it and it said that a lot of second time mommy's felt their baby earlier, so I think its def something. I know its not gas-related, so it has to be the sac or something since the baby is still so small!? Just my thought. Sometimes it happens a few times a day, but then some days I won't feel anything. Some people asked if it was a flutter, but this is a WOW, stop me in my tracks movement, not just a bubble. I'm going to ask Dr. Rushing about it at the next appt. It seems to happen right on my belly button.
Kelson has been having "night time" issues again and wanting to get back in bed with us during the night, so mom suggested that I be the one to lay down with her, so I did last night. We talked about her day, how much fun she was having with Gigi and Papa (they are visting from FL), and saying her prayers. I turned off all the lights and that's when she said she was scared, so I thought, ah hah, maybe she is scared of the dark and that's why she gets up. So I left a little nightlight on last night when I left her room and she stayed in her bed all night :) So well see if that does the trick. I'm trying to break her from this habit before the baby arrives. I can't be up with TWO kids during the night or I'll fall apart :)
So anyways, all is going great! I'm very excited about our sweet little angel! I really don't have a preference on gender, but have a gut feeling on this boy. Part of me wants to wait to find out until he/she is born, but I like to plan ahead too! Ah- decision, decisions ;) Good thing is we already have a boys name ready to go :) once I find out the gender, I'll post it :)
We have lots of house stuff to do - painint, moving Kelson from the nursery to her own big girl room, decorating the nursery, etc... hoping my sister is going to help me with decorating ideas for both :)