Its amazing how big Kelson is getting already. I was just looking at her the other day in her bouncy seat and realized how much bigger she is now. Its so exciting, yet sad, cause that means she is growing up so fast. She is showing more expressions too. She loves to smile- esp in the mornings. That's her favorite time of the day- I think. We have started the Enfimil with Iron formula and she is doing great. Well except for the GREEN poo poo that has come with it. But we are just supplementing, so its not all the time, but good lord what a difference in breast milk and formula. I noticed the other day that she was watching me eat some pringles and she started "mocking me and chewing" and staring at me eating. It was amazing.
Kelson LOVES bathtime. She loves to have the running water over her and just lay in there. Its amazing how much stronger and bigger she is now. She used to SCREAM when I bathed her but she loves it now. I love the smell of a clean baby.
She loves when people sing to her. She already has a knack for music. A few weeks back I laid her on my chest and I was singing "I loved her first". She was smiling so big and cooing and singing along- it was the neatest experience ever. Of course I was bawling and couldn't sing. Jason wasn't her to experience it, but I'm sure I can get her to do it again. I played this song all the time when I was pregnant, so I really think she remembers it and it soothes her.
I broke out the bumbo yesterday to try out and she did GREAT. She could sit in it pretty well, but she still needs a few more weeks to really do it by herself. But I think around Thanksgiving she will be doing it on her own. Don't worry it will only be on the floor- no tables! ;)
I can't believe my little girl is already 2 1/2 months old. Jason comes home Sunday and will be home for a while. We are going to Orlando next Thurs for a week. Heartland has two shows down there. Kelson's first flight- well see how she does.