Monday, January 14, 2008
Bananas for the Minkey...
For those of you who don't know Minkey is Kelson. This is her daddy and Bobfather's nickname for her. They are HUGE Prof Cluso(from the old Pink Panther movies). If you've seen the movie and know his accent, you'll understand. He's actually saying Monkey, but because of his accent it sounds like Minkey. Jason gave her this nickname initially because she was grabbing stuff with her toes like a monkey. Anyways, so Kelson had her first taste of "real" food today. I put her in the bumbo and tried to feed her the bananas- she seemed to really enjoy it but then after a few min she was done. So I was kinda sad cause I was anxious for her to try something that actually had some flavor to it. So I went and changed her diaper, cleaned out her nose, and put her i the bouncy seat and tried again. She did WONDERFUL. Ate the whole jar. I didn't give her another jar for dinner cause I didn't want to overdo it. All dr's suggest that you feed them the same fruit or veggies for a few days to make sure they aren't allergic to it or it hurts their tummy. She was in a great mood all day and woke up that way again this morning, so we are gonna give her some more bananas today. I'm anxious to see if she reacts the same. I think she likes eating in her bouncy seat instead of the bumbo (more comfortable for her).
SMILE... your on Canon camera
When my sister was here for the holidays she helped Jason and I go online and find a nice "photographers" camera to capture high resolution/quality pics of Kelson. We purchased a Canon Rebel. We got in the mail the other day and OMG its awesome. It takes really clear pics and has really cool settings. I still have to get to know the camera better and read the "book" on it, but I think its gonna be something wonderful to capture pics of our family. Jason has already started clicking away. He can get some really good "Heartland" shots with it too. Shows, poses, etc..
Thank you Keri for your help and guidance. Next step... to learn how to use Photoshop! I have a graphics guy here at work that deals with photoshop every day and is going to guide me through it. I'm excited about learning how to use it for Kelson's pictures. I'll post some of the ones we have taken- once I read the part of the book- haha!
Thank you Keri for your help and guidance. Next step... to learn how to use Photoshop! I have a graphics guy here at work that deals with photoshop every day and is going to guide me through it. I'm excited about learning how to use it for Kelson's pictures. I'll post some of the ones we have taken- once I read the part of the book- haha!
YUCK.. the green stuff...
Poor little Kelson caught her cousin's colds while they were here for the holidays. Both of her cousins had bronchitis, so I wanted to make sure that Kelson didn't have it too, but it turns out she had a slight case and was on the end of it, so she said she would only get better. She is doing much better already. She didn't have an ear infection or a fever, so the dr expects her to be back to normal very soon. I stayed home from work Friday to tend to her and give her the req'd medicine (robitussin dm). It did seem to help. Kelson made the same EWWWW face I make when she took the medicine as I do when I have to take the "green stuff". I HATE that stuff. Thanks to Xango I haven't had to take it in a long time. That tastes 100 times better. Jason is at home tending to our little girl now. Since the medicine is only required if she is doing HEAVY coughing- I only gave her two doses of it this weekend.
Even though we aren't due to go back to the dr again for another month for her next round of shots- they did weigh her and she is up to 14lbs/12oz- that was fully dressed, but I still couldn't believe it. She gained 2lbs in one month! At least we know she is eating ok. hehe!
Even though we aren't due to go back to the dr again for another month for her next round of shots- they did weigh her and she is up to 14lbs/12oz- that was fully dressed, but I still couldn't believe it. She gained 2lbs in one month! At least we know she is eating ok. hehe!
Catching up... Christmas time...

Christmas for us this year was so awesome. So hard to believe that we had a beautiful little girl here to share it with. She did so good. She tried to open a few presents and did really well with it. She had that grip hold on that paper and tore it open. She got so many awesome things from toys, clothes, books, and all the things a 4 month old needs ;) Jason and I didn't have to buy her much- I got her the essential stuff- formula, diapers, wipes, etc.. cause I knew the family would spoil her with the "fun" things; and they did. I am going to post some of our pictures from Christmas time. As she was opening presents, taking naps, during Christmas Eve and Christmas all I could think about was "OMG I can't wait till next year". Our family is HUGE into Christmas and Santa so I can't wait to have fun with that with her. We spent Christmas Eve with the Alberts at their house- and some of Lucy's family members- and we had a great time. Got a late start on opening presents so we had to finish up Christmas morning. We got a few hours sleep and went at it again Christmas morning- before this was Nanny and Santa time, but since we had family coming in and traditions tend to change as family grows, we went to mom's house around 11am to do Christmas with them. My sister's family, mom and dad, and GAK (Great Aunt Kim)and Olivia, and my brother Kyle joined us this year for Christmas- we really had a great time. Jason, Kelson, Eers, and I went home to shower and take a little nap and then came back to Grammy's house for Christmas dinner. WHICH I WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT THAT WE WERE ON TIME and I DIDN'T GET IN TROUBLE AT ALL THIS YEAR- haha! Right mom :) I think having the grandbaby helped soothed things this year and we just went with the flow. Kelson had a great time hanging out with Corgan and Annabelle. They were so much fun. Belle kept repeating "Baby Kelson"... it was adorable and it showed me that Keri had been teaching Belle who Kelson was. She could say Baby Kelson and Baby Corgan so clear- it was so sweet. I really enjoyed having QT with my family and their families. Check out my kodakgallery to look at the Christmas pics.
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