Well, I couldn't believe that I was going to get my 11/01/11 date. My plan had worked (insert evil laugh here). It was going to be a great day!!! The nurse came in around 7am and removed the cervadil. She, the nurse, Dotha (we called her Mother Dothel) started the pitocin to get the labor progressing. Dr. Rushing was over at the Madison office that day, so I was going to have Dr. Wheeler deliver the little guy. I had met him one other time, I believe it was when I had round ligament pains early in my pregnancy with Kelson. I remember him being a super nice guy. The nurses do a lot of the work, so I was ok with another doctor. He arrived around 9:30am and broke my water. He was super sweet and funny. When he checked me, I was 70% effaced and 3-4 centimeters dilated. Soon after this procedure, I was having some really hard contractions. I stuck it out as long as I could, till I was 5cm, and the contractions were coming every 1-2 min, so I knew it was going to be soon. At noon, I finally got some nubain, which helped ease the pain for about 20 minutes. I immediately started laughing and asked everyone if they wanted to play charades. LOL! In another hour, I had dilated another cm so I was really starting to be in pain. My nurse advised that I start the epidural or it was going to be too late and I wouldn't be able to get one. I tried to subside on the nubain along, but I couldn't handle the back to back contractions. At 12:45 I asked for the epidural. The anestologist did an awesome job, I hardly felt anything. The contractions were stronger and so anything to help with that was better than what I was going through. After the epidural kicked in, I was freezing and super tired. I took a nap for a while, then i felt lots of pressure, so I knew it was close to pushing time. Dr. Wheeler came in around 3:30 and Janson was born at 3:44pm!!

He was 8 lbs, 4 oz and 21 inches long. The delivery went great. Dr. Wheeler did an awesome job stitching me up and all the follow up procedures. My recovery has been easier than when Dr. Rushing did it, so maybe it was a blessing I had him instead. Janson was PERFECT! He had HUGE lips- like Angelina Jolie's baby or something- LOL! Oh- and the dr said that his umbilical cord was the biggest/thickest he had ever seen. No wonder I was always so drained and had no energy. I was sooooo excited to finally have our little guy here. I requested to be able to watch him get his first bath, so I went to the nursery when everyone else did. Kelson was soooo excited about her baby brother and immediately wanted to hug, hold, and kiss him. So once we all got to our room, we got some adorable pics of our kids :) We had a few visitors and we had some pizza hut then it was time for us to be alone. It was nice and quiet. Janson did AWESOME with nursing and slept most of the night. Of course with all the pills, checking up, etc.. neither Jason or I got much sleep, but we knew it would only be a few nights. Afterall, our little man had finally arrived!!