Today is my neice /Kelson's cousin, Annabelle Claire Donald's 2nd bday!!! I can't believe she is already two years old. She is such a joy to be around and is full of energy! She's a very smart little girl and very independent. I HATE that we can't be there to join in all the fun that your having for your bday weekend in Florida(hey that sounds like something your Aunt Kelly has- bday weekend- not just one day) lol! I know you will get lots of kisses and hugs, but be sure that you get an extra one of each from us!
Love you bunches!!!
Happy Bday Belle!

My mom and dad always played the Disney version of the Happy Bday song for us, so now its a Kolumbus family tradition. We plan to keep it going!Click the link below and select the "listen to samples" button... the song is so cute.
Disney bday song