Well, I had my almost 38 weeks appt with Dr. Rushing yesterday. This pregnancy has been KILLER on me. I can't say that its been awful, but I've definitely had the side effects of being pregnant. Recently mom and dad got me a massage and cold stone facial- that was WONDERFUL. I've had a lot of swelling (mostly in my hands now) and some in my feet. I am not sleeping well at all (he's gonna be a big'un). Well let's see I weigh 211 (started off at 192, so only 19 lbs isn't bad at all). I can honestly say that a lot of it is baby and the things that go along with it. Lots of water weight too. Anyways, his heartbeat was 130- Jason and Kelson got to hear it. I'm dilated to 1cm now, so that's exciting. We are still shooting for the 11.1.11 date. Although, I'm pretty much over being pregnant and wouldn't mind him coming early. But not on Halloween!!!! That's all I ask. LOL. I haven't been sleeping well at all these last couple of weeks. I thank God that my job has been so great on letting me work virtual when needed, cause between allergies and not sleeping well, I've had to take a lot of breaks/naps.
Cravings have been pretty much been sweet. Kelson and I made some fruit salad and I've been eating the heck out of that. I've had a few low blood sugar issues, but nothing some OJ couldn't fix. I just started eating smaller meals. Kelson has been a WONDERFUL help too. There are times when I remember why the first pregnancy was easier- no 4 year old to keep up with- and you could take naps whenever. Mom and dad plan to come up next week to help and be here for the birth, so I'm so excited to spend some time with them.
We've finally finished with the kids rooms and that's a big relief. I'll post some pics. We recently had the house re-appraised and it was very UNstressful. We pretty much have the house where we want it. I would like to have a few more things done, but overall its perfect. Since Janson should be born on Nov 1st (the normal time we put up our Christmas tree) we hope to get it up before we leave for the hospital. I'm excited about having 6 weeks off work during the holidays. Keri and the family are gonna come up before Thanksgiving, they still haven't seen the newly remodeled/addition to the house. Then we have all the Thanksgiving family coming up that following week. Gonna be a busy and WONDERFUL holiday season!!!!