We went to Mexico beach for a few days to visit Joan Rogers- Lucy's bf from way back when. She has a SWEET house on the beach in Mexico City, FL. We enjoyed it so much and she is such a gracious host. Having grandbabies she pretty much had anything I needed for Kelson- food, playyard, pool, monitor, diapers, wipes, etc.. The weather was perfect. We were worried with the hurricanes that it would rain, but we only had a few sprinkles and that was it!
It was Bob, Lucy, Jason, Kelson, myself, Jeannette, and Rob. Joan and Ronnie Hipp were already there waiting on us. Melissa, Clayton, and Alyssa all came over on Sunday - we had a GREAT time with them too. Missed Ken :( I managed to work a few days from the house, so that worked out great. We went to eat at Toucans- Oysters and Crab legs - yum yum. It was SOOOO freaking hot though. We are trying to get the Jason Albert Band to go down there next spring and play a gig so we can stay at Joan's again :) & book something at PCB too since its soooo much nicer than when I was spring breakin my senior year. They have a tootsie's and margaritaville now :)
Anyways, we had a great time laying out, eating, drinking fruity drinks, playing with Kelson at the beach, ATTEMPTING to surf on the tide (I wiped out), shopping, and just having fun. Joan made me a Mojito drink that was AWESOME. I'm hooked on those- but not too many at once because of all the calories, but it sure was good. When the "dipping" incident happened there was phospherous (sp?) in the water and it was unbelieveable. You would walk or wave your hand under the water and it would shine like gold was all around you- it was sooooo cool. At first I thought I had too many drinks- haha, but it was so neat and apparently the temp outside and the water temp have to align perfect for that to happen. How cool! The funniest thing was how the WHOLE trip (when we were watching the beach from at night) i mentioned that I would NEVER go into the beach at night (scared to death of sharks eating me)- thanks to Jason and his dang Jaws movies- but apparently there was NO FEAR that night for any of us who decided to go swim at night. haha

Last time we were at Joan's house Kelson was only 3 months old and did not care for the beach at all- as you can tell. This time she was pointing at the beach and wanting to go outside. In the picture above she looks like the Coppertone baby (just missing the dog pulling at her swimsuit) hehe. She's my little water baby. After beach time, she got in Joan's grandbaby's turtle pool and played in that to get the sand off and just to enjoy the clean water. She has a beautiful tan now (but I managed to keep lots of suntan lotion on her). Clayton, Alyssa, Kelson (nappin), and I all went walking on the beach and collected shells. That was very nice to hang out with the kids. We got some great shots of Kelson on the beach, the kids playing in the water, and the sunset.
*BTW- I did wear my bikini the whole time and announced that I KNEW I shouldn't be wearing that- due to my NEED TO TONE AND LOSE WEIGHT- but I wanted to get a good tan :) I even had a girl comment me on my cute bathing suit when we were walking down the beach ;)
Once I get my pics up you'll see how much fun we had. Kelson even managed to walk on her own a few times. What a girl! She's just growing up so fast.

I love this picture- I told Jason I wanted to get one of us walking away together on the beach- like we did in our wedding pic ;)- but this time with baby Kelson. The next step in our lives ;)
Thanks again to Joan for a great time, lots of laughs, and fun memories!!!!