Oh my gosh- where has time gone? I cannot believe we just celebrated Kelson's 2nd Bday- ALREADY. Well I have to say that it has been such a fun and wonderful experience so far and I can't wait for it to continue. Kelson has been such a joy and has been our main entertainment since she arrived. I am not sure what we did before her :) So much has happened in 2 months since I've last posted. Kelson still sleeps in her own bed and doesn't really show any desire to get into a toddler bed- just yet. She got a Tinkerbell comforter with sheets set for her bday. We let her take a nap in the big girl bed and she woke up soon after since she wasn't familiar with the situation of not being in her crib. She has used the potty a few times, but hasn't showed much desire to do that either, so I'm working pretty hard on giving her treats when she does. She is starting to tell us when she has pooped or peed in her diaper, so I guess that's a step- she is understanding what she is doing. She still takes a pacifier (pap pap), but happily gives it up after getting up from her nap or bedtime. She has a bottle at night too- that was a lot of us enjoying that bonding time, but now its more of habit, so I'm going to start giving her some before bed- in a sippy cup to ween her off the whole "sucking" habit. It’s a lot of work going from baby habits to teaching her toddler ways. I know it all takes time and patience, so I'll just keep telling myself that. She is a VERY smart little girl so I know she will catch on to it whenever we start enforcing them. I was told to wheen her off the pacifier to cut a little bit off the nipple so she doesn't get the suck effect and it won't appeal to her, then each day cut a little bit more to where she doesn't want it anymore. My whole reasoning was why not let em have a pacifier- mostly is was to stop them from their teeth getting all weird, but who doesn't get their kids braces these days? But I know it could ruin her bite too and I don't want that to happen. I was fortunate and didn't need braces, but Jason on the other hand did, so its 50/50 with her. Plus I don't like seeing a toddler walking around with a pacifier in her/him mouth.
We had Kelson's 2 yr old checkup with Dr. Zbell- who we still just adore- and she had to get her shots- she did very well and seemed to get over it rather fast. Dr. Zbell said that Kelson is ready for her first dentist visit- I couldn't believe it- already!? She also said that she was in perfect health and is already on a 3 yr old learning level in her verbal, motor, and memory skills ;) We knew that Kelson was smart for her age, but its nice to hear proof :) How exciting. I think signing with her really helped with her speech- its unbelieveable the things she can say and remember. She is the cutest little girl ever and is such an entertainer. She weighs 28.8 lbs and 33.5" tall. According to the Lucy Albert old wives tale- when a child turns 2 you double their height and that's how tall they should end up being. All three of her kids were within a 1/4 of an inch from when they were measured. So according to the measurement- Kelson should be around 5'6 and a half or 5'7 :) Sounds like a perfect height to me. I'm 5'6 and Jason is 6 ft so that sounds good for a girl's height. Kelson is in the 45% for her height and 70% for her weight. Works for me :)
Last Friday- August 14th- Lucy had a mini-bday party for Kelson at her house.

On Saturday we had her BIG 2nd Bday party- joint party with her cousin Corgan- Keri and the family were visiting so we decided a joint party would be perfect and help save on some of the costs since she wanted to have a Yo Gabba Gabba party for Corgan this weekend. The party was a HUGE success- had both friends of mine and Keri's attend, so we were happy with that. The theme was "Yo Gabba Gabba"- it’s a new show on Noggin that a lot of the kids enjoy. At first it was a little off the wall, but we grew to like it. We had another "water party" like last year's party.

This year Kelson got to enjoy it even more since she was able to run around with the other kids and Papa ;) I was going to rent an inflatable waterslide, but they were outrageously priced, so I researched online and purchased one instead. It was the Bonzai Blast- its freaking awesome and was a big hit at the party. Kelson also got a Trampoline for her bday- we were contemplating that or a swingset, but she seemed to get more use out of this and we seemed to of made the right decision. She loves to jump on it and its good exercise for me too :) The trampoline came with a safety pad that goes on the springs and an enclosed safety net, so really there is no way they can fall off the thing- saves a lot of worrying and heartache. Its so much fun and I'm really glad that she is getting use out of it. Keri and I worked very hard on all of the little details of the party (more so Keri than me) but we did a lot together and it was fun to do party planning with my sister for our babies. I ordered pizza- which was a great deal- and easy clean up.

DJ Lance (the black DJ) from the show even showed up at the party (it was Anthony- one of my friends who happily accepted to dress up for the party). What a guy :) and he played the role wonderfully with his high pitch voice, enthusiasm, and high kicks ;) I had a friend of mine Summer make the YGG themed cakes and OMG- they turned out so freaking awesome.

The weather was nice and warm, but not too hot and I laid out tarps for the other kiddie pools and a place for adults to get their feet wet. Overall it was a WONDERFUL party. We had so much fun that we ran out of time to open presents, so we did that after the party was over. I have my "thank you's" ready to be sent out to friends and family. Kelson got lots of wonderful presents from everyone- from dolls, to princess stuff, to a guitar from gigi and papa, clothes, and so much more. She is a very loved little girl!!!! Happy Bday Kelson- my little girl!

Thank you Papa for sharing your bday with your grandbabies- I know you had a great time sharing the time/weekend with them- that's the best present of all ;) Kelson n Corgan's 2nd YGG Party