We hit the fair again, this time for some waffles (which became Keri’s favorite food of the whole trip…she mentioned that they weren’t quite as good as real Belgian waffles from Belgium, but they were close… especially with powdered sugar and fresh strawberries!), then we just walked around the city looking for the Anne Frank House and ducking in to many of the little shops. Surprisingly, most shops and attractions close by 6pm, so after Keith’s talk we stuck around for the big SpringSource mingle mixer, and got to hang out with a few of Keri and Keith’s friends.
After the fun-filled mixer where we helped ourselves to a couple of bottles of wine, Jill, Colin & Nina, Keri, Keith, and I headed out to see the crazy part of Amsterdam- the Red Light District. Being a Monday night, it was pretty slow, but fun to see with everyone else. It reminded me of a CRAZY night at the cave- but not having movie like boxes and red lights around us. Lol. While walking through the Red Light District (which we aren't allowed to take pictures of out of "respect" for the um... girls in the windows), we noticed these large, tall cylinders on the street. We came to find out later that they were urinals, only there was no where for the pee to go. So basically, guys just peed on the wall and it ran out into the street. Yummy.

Anyways, we hung around the Red Light District for a little while checking out the shops, before we stopped for some MORE coffee and Keri and Jill got some “spacecake”. It was getting late so Colin & Nina headed back to their hotel, but the rest of us hit the fair for some munchies and to check out the Ferris wheel. That thing was HUGE, and the view from up there was beautiful. We got some really funny pics from up there too. One of the pictures it looks like Keith belongs in the “Madam Tussaud’s Wax Museum”- he doesn’t even look real. After the Ferris wheel ride it was time to hit the sack- Keri had an adventurous bike tour for us to take in the morning- I have to admit I wasn’t excited about this at first 1) hadn’t rode a bike in YEARS and 2) I know how much she likes to walk/journey so I knew it would be lots of riding around and I would be exhausted. We got hungry again, so we ordered room service. I didn’t think about it, but when the guy walked in with the food and saw two chicks in the bed with a guy in his boxers you could tell what he was thinking. I’m surprised he didn’t try to give Keith a high-five. Lol!
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