We went driving around Sunday afternoon to check out some of the state parks. I wanted to take Kelson to the playground, so we went past Athens to Joe Wheeler State Park. I have to say it was pretty bad- VERY Redneck and the playground sucked. Jason made the comment- on the way back from the bathroom- that Jeff Foxworthy would have a hay day with that crowd of folks. Although the park wasn't that great it was nice to just ride around and go check out some different places. Jason did manage to capture a couple of cute pics of Kelson on the swings- with momma (since they didn't have baby swings), teeter totter (two cute boys asked her if she wanted to play with them), and just hanging in the pavilion.
We have a great playground about 5 min from the house that I plan to take Kelson to- Kid's Kingdom- I've been to many kids bday parties, but haven't been back since Kelson was born, so I'm anxious to take her- its awesome. They have a place called
Pump it Up in Hsv now- Keri has been taking Belle to the one in FL for a while now and she LOVES it. Its pretty much like an inflatable playground. Kelson has to get a little bigger to play on it, so when the time comes I really look forward to taking her.
On another note- Lately Kelson has been making this hilarious face- she sticks out her tongue like she's gagging- at first I thought she was choking, but I think she started doing it because we are always on her about chewing her food- she seems to want to slurp it like a noodle- and I wanted to make sure she swallowed the other food so I ask to see inside her mouth. Now I'll ask her what's in her mouth and she opens it up and sticks out her tongue really far- its soooo funny. We tried to capture the look on camera but never got it.
Pics from the parkAND... she has another tooth coming in on top- i think one more on top is about to break through next to it - for a total of 4 teeth :)