Normally I am ALL OVER the halloween costume idea for Jason and I, but this year I haven't been at all. Even with having Kelson last year I was geered up and ready to find something. Since we are having our annual Halloween party on the 25th of Oct this year I don't need something where we all have to match. We've come up with a few ideas, but Jason doesn't like to get all crazy like I do ;) -- wearing makeup, masks, dressing crazy, etc.. so we may just do our own thing this year. I love to come up with unique ideas, so i either try to make my own, come up with something that doesn't even have a costume, or just be funny.

Some of my previous costumes have been: an Oompa Loompa, Where's Waldo, Batgirl with eers as batman, Wilma Flinestone, Ella Vader (Darth Vader's wife), and Olive Oil. I had a GREAT idea for a costume this year, but let's just say Jason's not thrilled about wearing a latex head to look bald. Oh well. I still don't want to look at costumes till I lose some more weight. They have SOOOOO many sexy costumes coming out this year- Playboy even has their own line of costumes. Goodness. haha!
I'm still trying to figure out a costume for Kelson too. She LOVES lions, so I was thinking about borrowing Annabelle's costume and going that route OR they have Wonder Pets costumes, so who knows- even one for EERS- hehe, she would make an adorable anything, so its just a matter of deciding which one.
What costumes are you guys thinking about?? For you or your kids!!
Also, we usually don't get to go to haunted houses, so maybe well try to do that this year with our friends.
Annabelle is going to be "Pinky Dinky Do" (complete with a full head of hair dyed pink!) and Corgan is going to be her "Little Brother Tyler" (with a blue mohawk). They'll probably be these characters for our party with their friends and for actual trick-or-treating. We have our regular Halloween party to go to too where we usually do a family costume, but I have no idea what to do for that one. I'd like to do something sexy too since I spent the last 3 halloweens being a pregnant horror movie chick, a fat Dorothy, and a cow. :) Let me know if you have any family ideas for us. Hmmm... maybe we can do the Addams Family thing... Hmm....
You guys have dfinitely done some pretty unique costumes in the past and hard to beat. I recoment Scarlett and Rhett but maybe I could go as Scarlett this year? I'm not so sure my waist line is ready for that though! Any good ideas? I think Kelson will be adorable in whatever you choose. She seems to be infatuated with the Wonder Pets so maybe thats the best idea. I want to know what skimpy costumes your thinking of!
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