Today is Eers bday. He is 70 yrs old (in dog yrs). So hard to believe we have had EERS for so many years. He has been a WONDERFUL dog. He is and will always be a part of our family. Eers was originally given to Bob- Jason's dad- back in 97- he was born in West Virigina- hence the name "eers" for WV Moutaineers. I fell in love with him the moment I saw him. I had a tendency to have a huge heart for animals- esp dogs. Huh Mom? ;)
I was told that I if I rent the front apt with Jason that I would be given Eers too- haha. Nothing like a little bribe- I got the best deal out of that situation ;)
He's a wonderful dog and been great with handling having Kelson around the house. Happy bday buddy. We love you.

Kelson is giving eers one of his bakery cookies for his bday!!! My sweet babies ;)
Happy Birthday Grand-dog! Bevil and Sugar will be joining you at 10 next month!
I remember the day they brought Eers home to Bob! Was it really that long ago? Man do I feel old!!
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