Monday, November 10, 2008

Talking up a storm

Lately Kelson has been talking like crazy. She repeats lots of words that we say- now is the time to start watching the language around the little one ;) Which is a good thing. Jason and I are big fans of Family guy and Quagmiere (sp) always says "All Right"- its hilarious- so I told Kelson to say it and she does- its precious. I love that she can say a few words together instead of just one. She is just so freaking smart. She points at santa now when you ask where he is- in french and english. I'm so amazed at the things she can do. We are all so excited about seeing everyone at Thanksgiving and Christmas time. Kelson is at such a fun age!!! I love it!!!


Allison said...

I love when litle ones can talk! Dylan cracks us up everyday with the things he says!

ljkolumbus said...

thanks for inviting Grammy and Papa to gymnastics .. it was so much fun! She is a cute and smart little girl, can't believe that she is almost 15 months old already! Fun time watching her with all your great Christmas decorations! It will be so much fun with all three babies this year for Christmas!!!

Unknown said...

I've seen her lately and she does lots of little things that amaze me. I love the way she just takes my hand and just walks with me! And the way she gives open mouth kisses is just Her putting two words together now is just incredible. My goddaughter is brilliant!