Nanny update- she had a mild stroke last week and a UTI, so she went to the dr and they are taking great care of her and getting her back to good. She is in physical re-hab and should be back home today!! :) YEA! Please keep her in your prayers. We sure do miss her.
We have a new president- first time ever- a black president- Barack Obama/ VP-Joe Biden he got voted in Nov 4th. The majority of America voted democrate- we didn't- but oh well- let's see what he can do for us!! I'm willing to give him a chance.

Happy 15th Month old KELSON- Our little girl has been saying and doing so many fun things these day. I'm really suprised at how smart she really is. I think Kelson is advanced for her age. You can show you how to do something and she either does it right away or remembers how to do it later on. Her and I were at Wal-Mart the other day looking at the Elmo Live doll and he says he loves you and blows kisses, so now I ask Kelson what Elmo does and she blows kisses like he does. She picked that up on her own. Of course Kelson is asking Santa for Elmo Live for Christmas!! We went to the Christmas Place store this past weekend and Kelson LOVED the decor. I know our awesome christmas tree toy soldier fence will come in handy.
She says "cheese" when I act like I'm gonna take a picture- its precious. She saw a picture of my dad lastnight on the computer and she said Papa- very clearly- it was so cute.
She is saying all kinds of words now and signing like crazy too. I'm glad to see that she is doing both. People are still amazed at her skills :)
New Words: Bye Bye, Papa(very clearly), up, sings when we tell her to sing in french "chanter", cheese, attempting to say Mickey Mouse- almost has it
Sounds: Elephant, Pig, Cow, Duck, Cat, and Car
New signs: plane and tree
More fall pics
cool paintings. Jason is so talented! Wow, Christmas decorations already?! That is a good idea to enjoy it longer since it takes forever to put up. Kelson is growing so fast. She is going to have a blast this Christmas! And we didn't vote for Obama either but hoping and praying he is a good president! Just leaving it to God! Love reading the updates on your family!
Having fun watching Kelson tonight. We were reading a 'farm' book and I told her the Rooster goes cock-a-doodle-do and she said.. "doodle-do" and she asked what was on the pigs face and I told her a bug.. next time we went through the book again.. she pointed to the pigs face and said 'bug' SO SMART!!! She is so much fun.. thanks for sharing her with us! Love you
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