Kelson and I are having a GREAT time at her gymnastics class each Monday night. Kelson's memere bought Kelson some adorable leg warmers, so we threw together some cute outfits for her to wear to class. She got tons of compliments on both outfits. Esp the one with the leotard. The owner even came and paid a compliment and showed her off to other classes ;) Proud momma moment ;)
Kelson has already started attempting a forward roll on her own- it was tough getting her to put her head towards her chest, but after a month she's got it. Just have to work on the pushing her over, but she understands totally what it is. What a smart and talented girl!
Oh my gosh she is so so cute - that outfit and that body, who could resist.....I have to smile everytime I see this picture.....what a blessing. Memere
she looks so darn cute!! reminds me of you so dressed up for your ballet classes :) Can't wait to come see her 'perform' .. Grammy
OMG, I have to come see my Goddaughter perform! I must take pictures! LOL She is sooo smart. Look out Junior Olympics here she comes!
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