WHEW... what a fun and crazy time we had. This is the first time we- as friends have all gone on a road trip together. We left Friday afternoon- after reassuring we had the MAIN nessessities- Mike's IPOD, the radio to support the IPOD, babysitters were watching our kids, money/purses, overnight bags, etc.. The girls rode in Stacey's car and the guys rode in Jason Miller's van. We had a GREAT time on the way up there gossiping and laughing- like girls do. We didn't too bad - as far as stopping to pee and stuff. We got to g'burg around 6 ish, but with the time change and the CRAZY traffic it took forever for us to get to our cabin. We finally arrived at the cabin around 9:15 - after stopping for some McD's and liquor and grocery shopping. The cabin was great. The rooms were perfect- all of us had our own room and bathroom- poor Stacey and Phillip had to sleep on the pullout couch, but they didn't complain :) Anyways, so we got there and it was like we didn't know what to do- haha. We had a hot tub, so some got in there, we started playing pool and I bought a drinking dice game that lasted about 5 min. Apparently it was too complicated and not very fun for everyone- haha. So anyways, we went downstairs to play pool. That was a lot of fun. We had the ipod turned up and the partying began. (A few years back we stayed in G'burg at some cabins and ended up getting kicked out because of the loud noise- the odd thing was- it was the freaking NEXT night the cops came and we weren't even there) It was BS- but anyways, we won't go there. So we had a great time- we kept the noise level to a minimum and didn't go outside much. Anyways- many drinks, songs played, clothes switched, hours later we went to bed around 4am ish. We went to G'burg the next day to go shopping and eat. We went to an AWESOME Italian restaurant- that I never even knew was there- delish- the pizza and calazones were out of this world and GINORMOUS. Anyways, so after lunch- all the boys, but Mike, went on the cabin to catch some Z's and to watch football. So we shopped some more- and had a blast. Stacey and I went into this kitchen store where they were sampling tons of different styles of dips and the guy would announce if anyone was caught double dipping they would have to wear the hat, so of course I called Stacey out- even though she didn't really do it- she had to convince the man she didn't really do it and turned so red- it was hilarious. So after lots of shopping and laughing it was time to head back to the cabin. We had planned on Sharee cooking dinner and Jason making breakfast for everyone, but NOPE that didn't happen. We just ate on the go. hehe. Sat night I figured would be an easy night since we partied it up Friday night, but boy was I wrong. We started all over again. We even did impersonations of eachother- that was sooooo funny. Went to bed around 4am ish again. Good times- good times. Got up around 9 to get the cabin back in order and showered and get the car packed. It def went by WWWWWAAAAAYYYY to fast, but the time we had together was lots of fun. Some of the memorable things for us- that only we will understand: Chocolate starfish with a side of harvest candy corn, hot pocket, bickem bickem bean and the boots with the fur- FLO RIDA- Song: Low, Fredrick's, Go get my purse Phillip- sorry Stacey- had to remember that one, Someone wanna play Jenga?, Jason trying on Sharee's high heels, Diet sunkist overload, suck n blow shots (thank you Sharee for showing me how to make JELL-O, hehe, and I'm sure there is lots more. Thanks gang- we vowed to try and do this every year- go somewhere different each time!!! :) Had a blast! Thank you Jason and Sharee for inviting all of us to come along.
More cabin pics
I was worried about what kinds of pics you might have put up...We had such a great time! Next time, I'll take a day off to recover from the trip...
You summed it up perfectly! I had a great time! (phillip too!) We will have to do it again! Love you!
I am sooo glad you and Stace had a chance to get away! You both have been working soo hard. I'm glad you ALL had a great time and got in some shopping to!
Holy Crap what a time! Next time we need to stay another couple of days and take a couple to recover! We had a great time too! The "annual" thing is a must!
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