We had Janson 4 month checkup on March 6th. He weighs an even 15 lbs. He's 25 1/2 inches tall (same as Kelson was at this age)- we still think he will be around 5'11 or 6ft. His blue eyes are still blue as ever. He's starting to sit up very well on his own, therefore Dr. Zbell put him on fruits and veggies already. He's tried apples, bananas, and sweet potatoes already and ate them all quite well. I've been trying to sign "more" and "milk" already. He's a little young, but he's a smart little man, so he should catch on quick. He already blows bubbles back at us. He loves tummy time and looking around. He does not like to be put down or someone not paying attention to him. He is quite the snuggler and lots to smile. Bathtime is a joy with him- he has been splashing like crazy. Kelson and I get a big kick out of him when we all hang out in my bath tub. Since Kelson has been more interactive with him, she seems to really like having a little brother around. We did nickname his wee wee... since we call hers "Tuti" from Yo Gabba Gabba, I decided to call Janson's "muno". The character already looks like one anyways- LOL! I had to explain to Kelson while Janson had a muno and she has a tuti- that was fun!
Janson is quite the Man-diva... he is always wanting someone to play or hold him- no matter what. He is still sleeping around 10-11 hrs a night. Its exciting, but sometimes doesn't seem long enough... Overall we have two WONDERFUL children.
Kelson's spring break is this week so I'm gonna try to see if we can organize her playroom and toys and possibly donate some. She has SOOO many and lots of them were "phase toys" (where she was into something for a few months, then lost interest). Some I can keep for Janson, but she does play with a lot of her toys. She is getting cuter and more personable every day. She has so much fun at school and has learned so many cute songs. Her t-ball practice starts in a few weeks so I can't wait to start her on that. Our two babies are perfect!!! Having our big spacious van has been a lifesaver.
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