I had my last appt with Dr. Rushing on Monday, 10/31- Halloween- the date I DID NOT want to have a newborn baby. I was still very thick and high, so Dr. Rushing advised that I go to the hospital that evening to start a process to get my cervix ripened. So after consultant my doula, Melissa Harley, she told me to do the Cervadil, vs the pill that they recommended. Apparently there have been some mothers who had a bad reaction to the pill so she said this is a safer approach with a slower progress so its safer for both Janson and I. I was happy to go in early so we would have that evening to take Kelson trick or treating. Plus all that walking around the neighborhood was good for getting the labor going. Kelson was dressed up as Dorothy and was ADORABLE! We went over to Mike and Norionna's house to trick or treat. Her and Sawyer, the ninja, went together in their neighborhood. They had so much fun together, plus it was a GREAT neighborhood. So after 2 hours or so of that, it was time to go home and get our bags and head to the hospital. Kelson stayed with Papa and the "mothers" went with Jason and I to get all checked in. We got there around 10pm and we finally got into the birthing room and cervidal around midnight (its something like a long stringed tampon that they insert vaginally and it worked great). They gave me an Ambien to sleep. Jason brought a blow up mattress to put on top of the fold out sofa. We had our King of Queens on the computer and Christmas movies ready to go. I still couldn't believe the time had finally arrived. When I woke up that next morning, it was time to have my little boy :)
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