Kelson and I went down the first week of August to see Keri and the family. While we were there, Keri gave me her 4D ultrasound gift certificate she had received from Nanny's house (she was too far along to use it). So it was a plus to our vacation with the family. Janson was VERY active and had his hands or legs over his face a majority of the time. By looking at the pics, its amazing at how much he looks more masculine. We had to get a few "boy" shots just to be sure.
Jason had to play some gigs, so he couldn't be with us, but we got a DVD and CD of the pics so we had those to share when we got back home. Kelson stayed with Papa and played with her cousins. She did really well and smam without swimmies at their house. My big girl! Hard to believe I'm not 29 weeks along- 11 more weeks, well 10 if I stick to my 11/1/11 date :)
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