We have been searching for potential Pre-schools for Kelson within the last year. I didn't want to take her to daycare, especially since we didn't need one since Jason is Mr. Mom and Lucy works virtual. So I started asking around and a private school called "Country Day" was mentioned. So we decided to go take a tour. We were impressed with the school, plus they teach them lots of cool things and have themed days. Tuesday is Spanish day, so we decided to skip that day- LOL, Wednesdays they learn Chinese, Thurs they have library day, and Friday is pretty much fun day- water day, pizza lunch, etc.. Kelson didn't want to leave when we went to check things out. They have a playground too, so that really got her interest. A girlfriend of mine, Cici, her little girl also goes there. She is the one who recommended it. Its a little pricer than we wanted to pay, but I guess you get what you pay for :) Plus its a private school and we are going to sign Kelson up for the summer to see how she adapts and to see if she seems to be learning a lot. Kelson LOVES to be around kids and for the little while that we were there, she was already making friends.
We decided to sign her up for a trial day to see if she would like it. Knowing she would, but we wanted to give it a shot. We had to wake her up, normally she sleeps in till 9:30 or so, but this time I woke her up around 7:30 and she didn't want to get up, but then I mentioned going to school and she was like Ok, now I'm ready :) LOL! So I packed her little "peter pan" lunchbox. I made her a hotdog wrapped in foil (like my mom used to make for me cause I loved it) and some fruit snacks and an apple with a juice box. It was sooo sweet and sad to have to make her lunch for school. Not my baby girl, going to pre-school, NO WAY! Anyways, so then I picked out a cute outfit for school, got Jason up, and it was time for school. We dropped her off with NO problems, she was very excited and said "I'm going to be good and listen to my teachers mommy" :) We are soooo proud of our baby girl. She went from 8:30-11:30 and the teachers said she did wonderful and fit right in. So, it looks like we have a school to try out for the summer! She will start next Wed, June 8th. The day after we find out if she will have a baby sister or brother :)
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