It had been YEARS since I've been to the Space and Rocket Center, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Keri Hipp and her little boys came to town and wanted to go, so we all decided to try it out. I have always been a huge fan of astronaut ice cream, so I couldn't wait to go purchase some. We got a few pics of the kids in front of the shuttle and with an American flag picture. Next we went into the gift shop and tried on some funny hats and got a few good laughs.

Then we headed to the museum portion- which we got in free of charge- not on purpose, but we happen to just "walk by" the ticket counter without realizing it. Oops. The museum portion was pretty interesting from an adults point of view- all the facts and stuff- but overall the kids just had a fun time running around everywhere. They didn't have much to do inside, so we headed outside. They had a few rides for kids so we headed that direction. They had a maze like crawl through area that Kelson seemed to enjoy but they also had a mini-version of Space Shot (where they seat you side by side and shoot you up in the air- but drops you down too- like the tower of terror ride at Universal Studios). This one only went up about 25ft, but for kids 8 and under, it was pretty scary. I was shocked when Kelson wanted to go on the ride. She is Miss Little Dare Devil, but I thought the ride attendant wouldn't let her go, but she said she would be safe if she decided to go. SO, I held my breathe and convinced Jason to let her go. We were both so nervous, but were standing underneath if something were to happen. The attendant said she would let her go up a few feet and do one of the drops and see how she reacted. We also asked her older cousin Nicholas if he would ride with her and hold her hand- he didn't seem to excited about it- but he finally caved in and agreed to go. So he sat next to her and they held hands. Nicholas looked more afraid of the ride than Kelson did. Haha. Anyways, so the ride begins and all the people were standing around to wait to see this child reaction and.... TA DA... She was all smiles and LOVED IT.

She was laughing and then when the ride stopped she wanted to do it again. So, she won and got to ride it once more without Nicholas- he was done. Again, she had a great time. It was like pulling teeth to get her off of it and away to get some lunch- she really enjoyed it. I still can't believe we let her go on the ride by herself- esp after seeing the pics of how high she went. You can even tell a difference in her height and age if you compare her to the other riders in the picture. So needless to say, I think we are gonna be in for some real trouble. This girl is not afraid of much. This day reassured me that we are gonna have a freaking blast when we got to Disney World and the other parks next month. No fear from this girl. After the ride we went and had some lunch at the Cafeteria at the Rocket Center- it was really yummy. About that time kids were ready for naps, so we went and grabbed some astronaut ice cream- one of my favorites- and now Kelson's :) I bought neapolitan and mint choc chip flavors. They were just as good as I remember them.
Space and Rocket Ctr Pictures
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