I captured a couple of adorable pics of Kelson over the last month. She has grown up so much already. She is waaay beyond the average 1 1/2 yr old. At least I think so ;) She is already repeating ANY word that you say to her. She knows her princess characters, animals, family members, pets, and more on her own when pointing them out. We will read through books and it amazes me how much she remembers and can say. I'm still not even sure how many words she knows now- has to be at least 75. We still do the signing with words. I'm trying to teach her how to say potty/diaper when she feels like she is about to go pee/poop. I figured this would be MUCH easier when it comes time for potty training. If she knows when she is going to go or what it means then she can sign to me, so I can put her on the toliet so she will get the concept. I'm anxious to see if it will work. I'm gonna see if I can list all of the things that Kelson knows now. She is saying "abre" (spanish word for open) thank you Dora ;) and she understands the meaning. When she wants something open she says this and ROLLS her R- can you believe that!? I was amazed at that. Lucy is working on her numbers in french and I'm teaching her the english ones. She is starting to color and really enjoys that. She is starting to recognize the colors- she knows green, but we are working on the others. My sister made mention that Kelson is already paying attention to detail when it comes to coloring. Most kids scribble -which she does some- but mostly she likes to try to color in the eyes or the smaller areas on the page. Keri said that is pretty advanced. If she does have any artistic ability- that's all her daddy :) I noticed the other night she was coloring again on her own and again she was coloring the detail part of Tinkerbell instead of coloring all over the page. PROUD MOM!!! She understands and responds very well when we speak French to her. She still only has 8 teeth, but I'm sure more will sprout out soon. She eats like she has a full set ;) She is still picky with her food texture, but overall she will eat whatever she is given. But when she is full, she is full! No more- she repeatedly says "done" "done". We still give her a bottle of Vit D milk in a bottle before she goes down for a nap and bed. She sleeps 12+ hours a night. She communicates VERY well to us, so if she gets fussy or needs help she signs/speaks it to us. She has been a BIG mommy's girl lately- and I love it! Being back at work- after having two weeks off- has been hard, but I'm managing. Jason is at home with her, so that makes things easier on both of us. Kelson can watch a whole episode of wonder pets and not move. She is starting to sing a little too- jason and I have been doing some words and carrying a tune with it and she repeats us. One is part of a wonder pet song that they sing- a lullaby song. It's so sweet to hear her sing. I can't wait for that day she sings a whole song to us :) She hasn't been sick much at all- thank the lord- one ear infection, a mean diaper rash, and a the occasional cold- that's it! THANK YOU LORD! She loves to be around other kids and give them hugs. She shares VERY well and is always feeding people- she gets that from her Papa ;)
Some funny things Kelson has been doing:
-Kelson would give kisses or hugs to her dolls we would always say "AW" cause it was sweet, so now when she gives kisses/hugs on her own she says "AW". Its adorable.
-She says CHEESE when taking pics
-Spins round and round when she sees Belle and the Beast characters (I let her watch the movie and she saw them dancing in the ballroom, so now she does it)
-Jason and I will kiss and hug then look at her and she smiles so big and wants a hug and kiss too- its sweet
-Calls her grammy- Gigi
-Still does the sheep face for people
She weighs around 23lbs and is 34 inches tall.
Kelson definitely has my patience. She will not wait for a second for ANYTHING. Goodness- I'm sure I was that bad though :) Gotta take the good with the bad. She is our entertainment- no matter where we are. She is no stranger to anyone. She loves the outdoors and enjoys playing with all of her princess characters. Pretty soon well be playing "dress up" :) YEA!!!
Kelson- Dec 08 Pics
1 comment:
imagine a Mom wanting to hear her daughter sing.. what a concept ;-)
She is a precious blessing and we know how smart she is too!
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