We have so many things to celebrate in August. Nanny's bday, Kelson's bday, Papa's bday, Rob's bday, Mom and Dad's anniversary, and Bob and Lucy's anniversary.. whew! So much celebration to be had :) Well we went to Outback for Papa's bday dinner with the family- Louise, Elliott, Kelson, myself, (Jason was out of town), Grammy, Papa, Theana, Aline, George, Nanny, Bob, Lucy, and Rob (Jeannette was managing that night). We had a good meal and a good time! We went back to the Albert's house afterwards for cake and ice cream. Daddy opened up presents- he got a butt load of DVD's from the Albert clan/sisters- and we got him some Tim McGraw cologne. Mom/Keri/Kyle got dad some workout tennis shoes, socks, and shorts. Then it was time for the bday song and cake.

Papas Bday Pics
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