Also, I've been asked by a couple of people to push out the competition to end July 30th- since I'm SURE no one has reached their goal weight and with the holiday it could be hard to get together and do good the week before weigh in. I hope everyone is ok with this!!! :) This gives us another month or so to lose more weight. I cashed the checks, so the $360 is waiting on THE BIGGEST LOSER!!!
Hope everyone is doing good! Love you all! Keep it up!
I'm on a role- I lost 1.4lbs this week and went back down on my body fat %. YEA!!! I plan on continuing to drink LOTS of water, attending classes, and watching what I eat. The holiday is coming up, but I hope to remain strong!!!
Well, I weighed on my scale this morning and I weighed 215.5! That would be a total loss of about 7 pounds compared to the "official" scale. AND it was the lowest I have weighed on my scale since I had Lola! YAY! So, now I am super pumped and ready to forget the last week of not working out or not eating well and move on! I am going to drink lots of water too and try to be extra good before my trip next week to the lake! Thanks for moving the date back! I think I speak for everyone when I say that it will be better for recovering from the holiday!
Boy time sure goes by fast, week 8 hard to believe. Well weight I am doing pretty good but I have to address the body fat, it went down and now it is back to what it was. So I have to start adding excercise to this plan and I leave for a week vacation this weekend. This is going to be hard so I am thrilled that we are going to extend until the of July.....I going to get real serious when I get back from vacation......
Looks like I'm down .2 lb this week.....not great, but overall 6.2 down, so I'm not complaining. Most importantly I'm consistenly heading in the right direction, even if it's in little bits and pieces. I'm hoping to break the 200# mark this week (at least on my home scale) - it's been a long time since I've see a 19X number. Looking forward to a great 4th of July - I'll try to post before we head out of town next Wed, but if I don't - my best to everyone for a spectacular Independence Day.
Stayed the same! Bummer.
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